Categories: Football

Diego Rico, ready: he is already in San Sebastián

Diego Rico is already in San Sebastián to be a new Real Sociedad player in the next few hours, as AS has learned. The Burgos defense the relevant recognition will pass this Monday and then he will sign his new contract with the San Sebastian club, with which he will be linked for the next two seasons. Despite the fact that he had one more year left on his contract with Bournemouth, Real Sociedad has reached an agreement with the English club so that it ends up being transferred this summer. Diego Rico arrives to complete the left-back position, in which Nacho Monreal will miss the start of the league and in which there is also another Navarrese, Aihen Muñoz, who had the transferable poster, but it seems that he will not finally come out in this transfer market.

In 2018, Bournemouth paid Leganés 15 million euros for his hiring. La Real also bid for their services, but could not reach those amounts. Three years later, its price will drop ostensibly as it is in the last year of its contract and does not want to renew. Before leaving free in a year, the English club has preferred to get something for his departure this summer. Now it costs a lot less, despite having played a lot the last two seasons. Its market price is around 4.5 million euros, but the Real has reached an agreement with Bournemouth by which the donostiarras will pay the English entity between one and two million as a transfer.

With Diego Rico, the agreement is also total, he will sign for two seasons with Real, and he may have an optional third. He is 28 years old. The idea of ​​the realistic club is that he undergo a medical examination this Monday, that he signs his new contract and that he can place himself under the orders of Imanol Alguacil from this next Tuesday. It's not easy, but It is not ruled out that he will be at the disposal of Imanol in the friendly against Monaco this Wednesday at the Reale Arena. The Royal is also waiting for a series of documents that Bournemouth must send signed in order to make their hiring official and move forward in the entire bureaucracy. But waiting for all those steps, Diego Rico's signing for Real can be taken for granted, already in San Sebastián.

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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