Football player Dani Alves He has been arrested at the Mossos d’Esquadra de Les Corts police station in Barcelona after going to testify for allegedly sexually assaulting a woman at the Sutton nightclub on December 30.
Read also – Dani Alves, in jail for alleged rape: faces preventive detention and passport withdrawal
Alves went to the police station early this Friday and was arrested in a police car a few minutes after 10 am. Knowledgeable sources have explained to Europa Press that the patrol takes him to the Ciutat de la Justicia in Barcelona, where he will go to court and the judge will decide on his provisional situation while the case is being investigated.
Two days after the alleged sexual assault, the woman denounced the soccer player for the events. The woman’s complaint is judicialized and in the investigation phase, as explained by the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC).
The full-back announced his departure from Barça in June last year after a much less golden second stage at the Catalan club and in July he signed for the Mexican Pumas, where he did not have a particularly good first semester.
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