Categories: Football

Czech Republic – Spain result, summary and goals

Thanks to Íñigo Martínez’s goal ‘in extremis’, Spain ended up saving a tie in the match against the Czech Republic. 2 points out of 6 possible.

Press Spain. Look for the winning goal.

There will be 4 minutes added. Spain goes for another one to win.


Goal goal goal goal goooooooooal by Íñigo Martínez!!! Goal goal goal goal gooooooooooal from Spain!!! Spectacular center by Marco Asensio from the left and Íñigo heads to tie. he checks to see if he hadn’t come in, but he did.

Czech Republic definitely behind. Put by Spain, in fact.

Let us remember that on the first day of this Nations League, Spain drew against Portugal.

Spain tries, but with more faith than success. Either change the thing or you will reap a defeat.

Time is running out for Spain. The tie does not come.

Marco Asensio and Ferran Torres have exchanged positions and now play with a changed leg.

The match is definitely played on the Czech Republic field, but more closely to the spinal cord than to the area.


The truth is that what the Czech Republic is doing has a lot of merit. It’s not easy at all.

Spain touches, touches and touches, but finds no cracks in the defensive framework of the Czech Republic.

Time is running out and Spain is still behind on the scoreboard. It would be a hard blow.

Change in Spain. Koke leaves and Marcos Llorente enters.

The Czech Republic is far from refusing to continue mounting counterattacks.


Marco Asensio crosses from the left, Ferran Torres finishes off with his head and the ball goes wide.

It is up to Spain to react again. Again with the marker against.



Kuchta goal! Czech Republic goal! Long ball from Cerny looking for kuchtahe takes advantage of the fact that the defense of Spain is not fine and ends up beating Unai Simón with a beautiful Vaseline.

Ball possession is 26-74 in favor of Spain.


On the first ball he touches, he reaches a long pass to shoot on goal and the stick avoids his goal. He has entered the game well.

Changes in Spain. enter Busquets, Marco Asensio and Morata by Rodrigo, Dani Olmo and De Tomas.


Changes in the Czech Republic. Enter Hlozek and Cerny for Pesek and Lingr.


Ferran Torres’s heel after Koke’s shot. It does not end in a miracle goal.

Without a doubt, Kuchta’s scoring chance has woken up the Czech Republic after a poor start to the second half.


Filtered ball between lines, reaches it kuchta to face Unai Simón and his final shot went wide of the mark. It is not clear whether or not there was offside, but in any case the goal did not come.

Spain, little by little, is putting the Czech Republic in its area.

Spain insists. The equalizing goal has made him feel great.

Try Dani Olmo’s fortune with a threaded shot. He walks off.

Gavi’s goal has somewhat reassured Spain. Now the team led by Luis Enrique should finish imposing himself.

Start the second half!!! Get the ball rolling again in this Czech Republic-Spain.

In the Czech Republic enters Havel instead of the injured Jankto.

In Spain, enter Ferran Torres by Sarabia.


It seemed that the rest would be reached with Czech Republic sending on the scoreboard for the goal of Sandbut already in the addition marked Gavi the draw for spain. She arrived on time! What second part awaits us!


One detail should be noted. Jankto had been injured, but Silhavy, the Czech coach, has decided not to make the change until the break so as not to change a window. And in these the goal of Spain has arrived.


Goal goal goal goal goooooooooooal from Gavi!!! Goal goal goal goal goooooooooal from Spain!!! Gavi receives from Rodrigo being inside the area and with a good threaded shot with his left foot he achieves the equalizer. Spain reacts!

Try to step on the accelerator Spain in this final stretch of the first part.

There will be 4 added minutes in this first half of the Czech Republic-Spain.

In duels the Czechs are proving impregnable. They go with everything.

We will see if Luis Enrique moves the bench or not at the break. It wouldn’t be strange.

Too many inaccuracies now. Spain is not fine in this game. Not much less.


Any. Spain’s scoring chances that are expected do not arrive.

Roll the ball again. Play!

Rifirrafe between several players. The game heats up.

Let us remember that the Czech Republic already achieved victory on the first day against Switzerland.

It would not be surprising that Luis Enrique moves the bench for the second half.


The game lacks rhythm. And Spain has to put it.

Sarabia failed! Well enabled by Raúl De Tomás in the area, Sarabia hit badly. The first ‘pseudo-occasion’ of a goal for Spain.

The game is being played on the field of Czech Republic but outside the box. Does not succeed spain find the fluidity you need to finish breaking your rival.

There is change in the Czech Republic. Zeleny leaves, injured, and Jankto enters.

The Czech Republic is proving to be very reliable tactically. ‘Chapeau’.

We reached the halfway point of the first half and so far we haven’t seen any scoring chances for Spain.

Zeleny has muscular problems, but a priori he can continue playing.

In the Spanish attack, mobility is notorious and the movements are good, but at the moment it is not enough to score a goal.

We see Luis Enrique visibly upset in the band. He doesn’t like what he is seeing.

The public, giving a boost to theirs. There is big match atmosphere at Sinobo Stadium.


The ball is from Spain. In that sense there is no discussion. But the Czech Republic is very calm with its advantage on the scoreboard.

We are seeing a very active Raúl De Tomás, offering himself at all times, but far from the rival area.

For the moment, unpublished Vaclik. Spain fails to find the way to the rival goal

Spain has the ball. He moves it bit by bit looking for cracks in the Czech Republic’s defensive fabric.

We will see how Spain recovers after the blow suffered in the form of a goal against.



Finally the goal goes up to the scoreboard. Carvajal breaks Kuchta’s offside, which is what had been pointed out in the first instance, and this is the one who assisted Sand to score an empty door. The Czech Republic is ahead on the scoreboard!



Pesek scores, but the referee cancels it for offside.

From the initial whistle it is clearly seen how Czech Republic, with three central. Spain, for its part, faithful to the 4-3-3 with Raúl De Tomás as reference above.

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrranca the game in the SimoB Stadium !!! This is already underway Czech Republic-Spain.

After the Spanish, now the Czech is the anthem that sounds. Everything is ready for the game to start.

In the run-up to the game, the Spanish anthem sounds in the Sinobo Stadium. There is a presence of Red fans in the stadium.

…is it so Robert Sánchez, David Raya, Azpilicueta, Diego Llorente, Pau Torres, Jordi Alba, Busquets, Marcos Llorente, Carlos Soler, Ferran Torres, Marco Asensio, Ansu Fati and Morata.

Let’s remember the ‘elevens’!

By Czech Republic they play Vaclik; Winter, Brabec, Mateju; Coufal, Sadilek, Soucek, Zeleny; Pesek, Kuchta, Lingr.

By spain they play Unai Simon; Carvajal, Eric Garcia, Inigo Martinez, Marcos Alonso; Rodrigo, Koke, Gavi; Sarabia, De Tomas and Dani Olmo.

Jaroslav Silhavy start bet by Vaclik; Winter, Brabec, Mateju; Coufal, Sadilek, Soucek, Zeleny; Pesek, Kuchta, Lingr.”/>

Regarding the duel before Portugal from last Thursday, they only repeat in the starting team Unai Simon, Gavi and Sarabia.

Luis Enrique start bet by Unai Simon; Carvajal, Eric Garcia, Inigo Martinez, Marcos Alonso; Rodrigo, Koke, Gavi; Sarabia, De Tomas and Dani Olmo.

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Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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