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Corinna denies that she is going to premiere a documentary about Don Juan Carlos at the Cannes Film Festival

Nor is he behind a new documentary on Don Juan Carlos much less is he going to present something at the Cannes Film Festival about the figure of the emeritus king. Corinna Larsen has categorically denied the information that I published this Thursday vanity.

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“Corinna hasn’t taken the lead on any documentaries, she’s not going to narrate any documentaries, or present anything at Cannes. It’s fake news, again headed by vanity“said a spokeswoman for the German businesswoman in a statement sent to EFE.

Subsequently, the aforementioned digital updated its information to indicate that “this documentary or serial of four chapters, titled Juan Carlos, the end of a kingand produced by Sky Original, is coming to Sky Documentaries and NOW later this year.”

As we published last Januarythe German platform Sky Deutschland already announced that they would produce a documentary series on the life of the father of Felipe VI. Throughout four chapters, it will be addressed from the accession to the throne of Don Juan Carlos to the scandals that led to his abdication in 2014, “told from the perspective of his close friends, palace confidants, former officials of the intelligence services and critics”.

What goes on between the former princess and the former monarch is the trial that confronts them in London for the lawsuit that she filed for alleged harassment by the husband of doña sofia. A case that took a turn a few days ago, when the defense of Juan Carlos asked to transfer the process to Spain, since he wants them to be tried in the courts of his country. The king’s lawyers allege that he has Spanish nationality and that, if he had committed a crime, he would have been outside the United Kingdom.

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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