Categories: Football

Celorrio: “From La Real I stay with people and values”

After almost half a life in Zubieta, Marcos Celorrio (Logroño, 1997) leaves La Real to face a new exotic adventure in Norway. From the txuri urdin club he stays with the people and the values, those that have led him to be the person he is. The striker believes it was time to make a change in his life.

He arrives in fry at 12 years old. How is the arrival in Zubieta?

I played in Logroño, Real had no fry team and they called me to go to tournaments because there was a technical center near home. I was lucky to enjoy and in 1st ESO, after several tournaments, an Infantil Txiki team was formed and I was able to sign for Real. At first I had to go to Donostia and come back because I trained three times and only once with Real, on Fridays. I played on Saturday and returned to Logroño, I stayed like this for two years.

So did he jump?

Yes, with 13-14 years I take the step. La Real gives me the opportunity to stay at Olarain's residence living. My mother had problems (laughs), I thought I was older but I was still a child and my parents did have any doubts, but when Real called me I didn't think about it because my dream was to play soccer. In the end they saw that it was my dream and they agreed.

What was it like to take that step?

It was not easy, but I wanted to dedicate myself to soccer and in the end you give it unconsciously. I had a worse time when I was already in Zubieta, because you start to value everything at home, your family, friends and everything you leave in Logroño.

How was your day to day with 13 years?

We did the same as any other kid. From the residence we went to the Larramendi ikastola, many colleagues went together, because as much as my family and the club itself, they made and put a lot of emphasis on studies. It is a key part of the process and Real plays a great role there. After classes, we ate and went to train Zubieta. Xabi Abascal was there to help us with our homework, and from there to home.

Let's talk about your many coaches. Who marked you as a player?

From each one I got the best, you learn from everything and from every moment. At Real they also do great. I arrived with Bixen Calzón, who was ideal for that age because he understands the context. Then I went to be with Jon Mikel Arrieta and learned a different style of play, I felt very comfortable with him because he had a lot of confidence in me, I grew a lot. I also had ‘Satrus’, I have a lot of affection for him, I was in the Cadete Vasca, I played with those of one more year and he took care of me as if I were the little one (laughs), that stage might have marked me a lot.

Go on go on…

I can't forget about Imanol, later. I spent two years with him and it was then that he changed my way of seeing football because he made me see that this was already a profession, he put a demand on us that made you get the best out of you, I think the same thing happens in the first team . And the last one, Xabi Alonso, what am I going to say about him, everything I can add is already said and I would be short (laughs).

How many joys has given the generation of 97.

And so much! We each had our processes and times, the Real measures it well. But it was seen that the generation was very good, players stood out, Oyarzabal, Igor … they went with the Euskadi team, with the Spanish, I also had the opportunity to go. When I played with Mikel you realize that he was different, he made the differences, I have never seen a player of that level, he saw things that the rest of us were unable to see. But not only he, but also Igor, Guevara, Aihen … They are where they are because they are the best.

Who thought they could get to the first team and could have stayed halfway?

Poof! Now if you catch me (laughs). Each has had many different experiences and stories. To tell you one, which I think can still come and take the leap, Álex Petxarromán. Although he is now at Sanse, he seems to me an incredible player and I hope he respects him and overcomes the serious injury.

Almost half a life in Zubieta, what do you keep with Real?

I have it very clear, with the values ​​and with the people. The other day I called Luki Iriarte, another key person who looks after the player, and I told him: “I would not be who I am, as a person, with the values ​​I have, if it were not for Real. It is something that you carry for flag all your life ”.

Celorrio is already in Norway, but he has to keep “14 days of quarantine to arrive from Spain”. The league is also underway: “The games are back, I want to play, but I have to wait a bit. The facilities have surprised me, they are not so different, it is obvious that the league is secondary but in the end it is the first division of a country, I wanted to change the air and I think I was not mistaken. ”

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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