General Sports News

The false nude of Laura Escanes sweeps the internet and she explodes: “My blood boils”

New upset for the influencer in the 2.0 universe. This Tuesday, Laura Scanes He has woken up with unpleasant news:…

2 years ago

The Spanish defense of Daniel Sancho, emphatic: “The evidence is contaminated and the pieces do not fit”

The press conference offered this Tuesday by the Thai police on the crime of Edwin Arrieta at the hands of…

2 years ago

Vargas Llosa recovers his wife and his health and forgets Isabel Preysler, “a madness of maturity”

A year ago at this time, Isabella Preysler y Mario Vargas Llosa they shared days of rest and fasting at…

2 years ago

They will ask for the death penalty for Daniel Sancho: “He stabbed Edwin in the chest, who hit his head when he fell”

After eight in the morning, peninsular time, the press conference that the Thai Police has offered with its conclusions on…

2 years ago

Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo “have only been able to speak with Daniel for a few seconds” from Spain: the spokesman speaks

A crucial week begins for daniel sanchosince this Tuesday a press conference will take place in Thailand on the case…

2 years ago

The sex of the baby that Bertín Osborne and Gabriela Guillén are expecting is leaked and she explodes: “I can’t trust anyone”

Very angry. This is the Paraguayan businesswoman after the sex of the baby she is expecting with her has been…

2 years ago

New statement from Rodolfo Sancho: he refuses to continue reporting the case until the media pressure ceases

Just one day after knowing the result of the police reports by the Thai police on the murder of Edwin…

2 years ago

Mercedes Milá remains ‘thrown’ in the sea and they have to rescue her: “It could have ended in disaster”

The last 'adventure' of the journalist has remained an anecdote but it could have cost her a displeasure. Mercedes Dear…

2 years ago

Marta Flich warms up the premiere of Big Brother with a bikini pose: “Cannon Woman!”

The presenter is already enjoying a well-deserved vacation before making her debut on September 14 as the presenter of the…

2 years ago

The girl who accompanied Daniel Sancho to report Edwin’s disappearance speaks: “He had a cut on his finger and it was bleeding a lot”

The Thai police have not questioned her but her testimony is key: she was the person who accompanied Daniel Sancho…

2 years ago