General Sports News

Inflation does not find a ceiling in Spain: the CPI shoots up to 6.7% in December and hits a three-decade high

Inflation continues its unstoppable escalation. The CPI stood at 6.7% year-on-year in December (compared to the 5.8% forecast by experts…

3 years ago

From ‘Masterchef’ to hamburgers that bill four million euros (and will ‘save’ your New Year)

That saying that the second parts were never good is not entirely true. At least not always. A good example…

3 years ago

One million public employees, shielded from targeted dismissal

The new labor reform contains good news for personnel hired in public administrations. These workers, whose number is around 1.1…

3 years ago

Apple secretly pays bonuses of more than 100,000 dollars to avoid the flight of its engineers

Apple is remunerating its most valuable employees with a juicy bonus program in stocks in an attempt to retain talent.…

3 years ago

US families are for the first time the most active investor in the century

Between stimulus checks, virtual burrows fueled by Reddit foreros and unmatched monetary conditions, the retail investor closes an enviable year.…

3 years ago

Arcelor, Acerinox and Sacyr, the cheapest ones for 2022

Madrid 12:04 - 29/12/2021 The ten companies with the best market recommendation, which includes the Top 10 for Fundamentals from…

3 years ago

Draghi’s march to the head of state of Italy could cost 4 points to the GDP of the Eurozone

The prospect of Mario Draghi becoming president - head of state - of Italy and ceasing to be prime minister…

3 years ago

The Government approves the labor reform: companies will have three months to adapt temporary contracts

28/12/2021 - 11:26 Updated: 09:00 - 12/29/21 The Government has approved the royal decree law of the labor reform that…

3 years ago

The 22 New Balance stores in Spain and Portugal go into liquidation with discounts of up to 70% from next Monday

29/12/2021 - 10:34 Updated: 12:30 - 12/29/21 New Balance will close in the coming weeks, probably before the end of…

3 years ago

The new labor reform makes the dismissal of discontinuous permanent workers more expensive

7:00 - 29/12/2021 Updated: 09:31 - 12/29/21 The fine print of the draft of the labor reform that the Council…

3 years ago