The players leave the green and so do we. It has been a pleasure to comment on the game. On this page we tell you all the matches of the competition. A hug!
The referee's whistle decrees the end of this period.
Above! Finish with the head over the crossbar of Omeruo (Leganés). You will have to sharpen your aim.
Ball to the area of Pardo (Leganés) from the right.
Ball to the area of Pardo (Leganés) from the right.
Cartagena will end the match with one less player due to the expulsion of Raúl Navas.
Lack! Raúl Navas (Cartagena) has committed a foul on Jose Arnaiz.
Ball to the Palencia area (Leganés).
David Santisteban (Cartagena) commits a foul on Pardo.
Palencia (Leganés) takes the throw.
Borja Bastón (Leganés) has tried to shoot at goal, but has not managed to get the ball between the three sticks.
Expulsion! The referee has shown the red card to Nacho Gil.
The referee blows his whistle and signals the lack of Delmás (Cartagena) to Palencia.
Bua (Leganés) shoots at goal with his right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes astray.
Leganés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Palencia centers from the left wing.
Center to the Pardo area (Leganés).
Pardo (Leganés) takes a corner from the left.
Miquel (Leganés) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
Aviles Cortes (Leganés) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Center to the area of Miquel (Leganés).
Center to the Bua area (Leganés).
Center to the Bua area (Leganés).
Center to the area: Palencia (Leganés) is the one who gets the ball from the left.
Javi Hernandez (Leganés) takes the throw.
Change in Cartagena: David Santisteban leaves and Elady Zorrilla enters his place.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Omeruo (Leganés) on Elady Zorrilla.
Leganés attacks from the right wing: Pardo puts the ball in.
Pardo (Leganés) takes a corner from the left.
Out of! Borja Bastón (Leganés) heads the ball but misses the goal.
Leganés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Pardo centers from the left wing.
Pardo (Leganés) throws a corner from the right.
Leganés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Pardo centers from the left wing.
Center to the area: Pardo (Leganés) is the one who hits the ball from the left.
Pardo (Leganés) throws a corner from the right.
Throw-in by Palencia (Leganés), who puts the ball into play.
Center to the area of Javi Hernandez (Leganés).
The ball goes out and Javi Hernandez (Leganés) takes the throw.
The referee shows the yellow card to Delmás.
The referee gives a violation of Delmás (Cartagena) to Aviles Cortes.
The referee shows the yellow card to Omeruo.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Omeruo (Leganés) to Elady Zorrilla.
Elady Zorrilla (Cartagena) commits a foul on Luis Perea.
Chichizola (Cartagena) takes a goal kick.
Jose Arnaiz's low header shot, who sent the ball out through the lower half of the left post.
Shot with the left foot of Javi Hernandez (Leganés) who cannot go between the three suits.
Throw-in by Javi Hernandez (Leganés), who puts the ball into play.
Game underway with a goal kick from Cuéllar (Leganés).
Change in the ranks of Cartagena: Clavería replaces Aburjania.
Change in Cartagena: Delmás leaves and Nacho Gil enters his place.
Leganés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Aviles Cortes centers from the left wing.
Ball to the area of Aviles Cortes (Leganés).
The ball goes out and Javi Hernandez (Leganés) takes the throw.
Center to the area: Aviles Cortes (Leganés) is the one who hits the ball from the left.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Elady Zorrilla (Cartagena) on Palencia.
Ball to the area of Pardo (Leganés) from the right.
Lack! David Simon (Cartagena) has committed a foul on Bua.
Throw-in by David Simon (Cartagena).
Cuéllar (Leganés) starts the play with a goal kick.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by David Simon (Cartagena) to Bua.
Throw-in by Palencia (Leganés), who puts the ball into play.
Chichizola (Cartagena) starts the play with a goal kick.
Above! The header of Luis Perea (Leganés) does not find its destination. Finish above the right square of the goal.
Pardo centers from the left but the ball goes directly out.
Pardo (Leganés) throws a corner from the right.
Pardo centers from the left but the ball goes directly out.
Javi Hernandez (Leganés) takes the throw.
Change in Leganés: Bua leaves and Sabin Merino enters his place.
Leganés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Pardo centers from the left wing.
Lack! Forniés (Cartagena) has committed a foul on Aviles Cortes.
The ball goes out and David Simon (Cartagena) takes the throw.
There is a substitution: Berto Cayarga replaces De Blasis (Cartagena).
The Cartagena bench moves with the replacement of Lopez by Rubén Castro.
Aviles Cortes (Leganés) commits a foul on Nacho Gil.
The referee gives an infraction by Elady Zorrilla (Cartagena) to Miquel.
Center to the area of Nacho Gil (Cartagena).
Throw-in by Forniés (Cartagena), who puts the ball into play.
The referee gives an infraction by Aviles Cortes (Leganés) to Datkovic.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Datkovic (Cartagena) on Borja Bastón.
Leganés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Aviles Cortes centers from the left wing.
Forniés (Cartagena) takes the throw.
Throw-in by David Simon (Cartagena), who puts the ball into play.
There is a substitution: Aviles Cortes replaces Eraso (Leganés).
There is a substitution: Luis Perea replaces Shibasaki (Leganés).
There is a substitution: Borja Bastón replaces Rober Ibáñez (Leganés).
Center to the area: De Blasis (Cartagena) is the one who hits the ball from the left.
Palencia (Leganés) commits a foul on Nacho Gil.
Throw-in by David Simon (Cartagena), who puts the ball into play.
Goool! Rubén Castro executes correctly and no one can prevent the goal from going up to the scoreboard!
Great shot with the left leg of Rubén Castro (Cartagena), which adds a launch between the three sticks.
Aburjania (Cartagena) tries with his right leg. The ball has ended between the three sticks of the opposing goal.
Cartagena attacks from the right wing: Forniés puts the ball in.
Forniés (Cartagena) takes the throw.
Center to the De Blasis area (Cartagena).
Lack! Eraso (Leganés) has committed a foul on Nacho Gil.
Throw-in by Forniés (Cartagena), who puts the ball into play.
The ball goes out and David Simon (Cartagena) takes the throw.
Cartagena tries to create danger to the opposite goal: De Blasis centers from the left wing.
De Blasis (Cartagena) throws a corner from the right.
Ball to the area of Rubén Castro (Cartagena).
Forniés wins a free kick from Rober Ibáñez (Leganés). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The ball goes out and Palencia (Leganés) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Javi Hernandez (Leganés).
Throw-in by Forniés (Cartagena), who puts the ball into play.
De Blasis (Cartagena) heads high between the three sticks, but the goalkeeper takes the ball after jumping to cover the crossbar.
Cartagena attacks from the right wing: Forniés puts the ball in.
Throw-in by David Simon (Cartagena).
Jose Arnaiz wins a free kick from David Simon (Cartagena). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Game underway with a door kick from Chichizola (Cartagena).
Aburjania (Cartagena) commits a foul on Sabin Merino.
The ball goes out and Forniés (Cartagena) takes the throw.
Ball to the area of De Blasis (Cartagena).
The game is already at stake.
Change in Leganés: Javi Hernandez leaves and Silva enters his place.
The referee signals the end of this period.
Cuéllar (Leganés) starts the play with a goal kick.
Rubén Castro (Cartagena) shoots on goal, but … he goes off track.
Dangerous launch! Rubén Castro (Cartagena) opts to shoot directly at the goal, but the play ends outside the three suits.
The referee signals a penalty! Foul by Cuéllar (Leganés) to Rubén Castro.
Ball to the Palencia area (Leganés).
Center to the area: Shibasaki (Leganés) is the one who hits the ball from the left.
Throw-in by Forniés (Cartagena), who puts the ball into play.
Ball to the area of Forniés (Cartagena) from the right.
Forniés (Cartagena) takes the throw.
Pardo (Leganés) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Datkovic (Cartagena) commits a foul on Sabin Merino.
Rubén Castro (Cartagena) heads in between the three sticks, but the goalkeeper takes the ball after diving to the left side.
Cartagena tries to create danger to the opposite goal: David Simon centers from the left wing.
Throw-in by Forniés (Cartagena), who puts the ball into play.
De Blasis (Cartagena) is cautioned.
De Blasis (Cartagena) commits a foul on Omeruo.
The ball goes out and Palencia (Leganés) takes the throw.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by David Simon (Cartagena) to Jose Arnaiz.
Throw-in by Forniés (Cartagena), who puts the ball into play.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Eraso (Leganés) to Ramón Azeez.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by De Blasis (Cartagena) to Jose Arnaiz.
Throw-in by David Simon (Cartagena).
Chichizola (Cartagena) goal kick that puts the ball back in motion.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Jose Arnaiz (Leganés) on David Simon.
Cuellar's (Leganés) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.
Cuéllar (Leganés) starts the play with a goal kick.
Ramón Azeez tries a high shot with his left foot, but the ball goes to the left.
Chance for Cartagena! It was thanks to a shot from Nacho Gil with the right.
Forniés (Cartagena) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
Cuéllar (Leganés) starts the play with a goal kick.
Shot at ground level that Raúl Navas (Cartagena) shot with his body but without aim.
Cartagena tries to create danger to the opposite goal: De Blasis centers from the left wing.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Silva (Leganés) to Rubén Castro.
Throw-in by David Simon (Cartagena), who puts the ball into play.
Cuéllar (Leganés) starts the play with a goal kick.
Throw-in by Forniés (Cartagena).
The ball goes out and Forniés (Cartagena) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and David Simon (Cartagena) takes the throw.
Game underway with a door kick from Chichizola (Cartagena).
Jose Arnaiz (Leganés) shoots a volley with his right foot, but the ball goes high and wide to the right.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul from Aburjania (Cartagena) to Rober Ibáñez.
Jose Arnaiz (Leganés) miscalculates his career and is caught offside.
The referee shows the yellow card to Ramón Azeez.
Lack! Ramón Azeez (Cartagena) has committed a foul on Rober Ibáñez.
Cuéllar (Leganés) takes a goal kick.
Raúl Navas tries a shot with his right foot, but the ball flies high and to the left.
Ball to the area of De Blasis (Cartagena).
De Blasis (Cartagena) throws a corner from the right.
Ball to the area of De Blasis (Cartagena).
Cartagena attacks from the right wing: De Blasis puts the ball in.
De Blasis (Cartagena) takes a corner from the left.
Forniés (Cartagena) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Eraso (Leganés) takes the throw.
Rober Ibáñez wins a free kick from Aburjania (Cartagena). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Game underway with a door kick from Chichizola (Cartagena).
Silva (Leganés) will have to keep trying his luck if he wants to add something to his personal locker. He tried it with a shot with his left foot.
Throw-in by Palencia (Leganés).
Jose Arnaiz wins a free kick from Ramón Azeez (Cartagena). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Sabin Merino (Leganés) miscalculates his career and is caught offside.
The ball goes out and Silva (Leganés) takes the throw.
Chichizola (Cartagena) goal kick that puts the ball back in motion.
Jose Arnaiz (Leganés) tries a high shot with his left foot, but the ball flies down the left side.
Chichizola (Cartagena) goal kick that puts the ball back in motion.
Whoops! Palencia (Leganés) shoots with the right. The ball goes out of goal.
Center to the Silva area (Leganés).
Forniés (Cartagena) commits a foul on Rober Ibáñez.
Forniés (Cartagena) takes the throw.
De Blasis (Cartagena) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
The referee decrees the hands of Rober Ibáñez (Leganés). Play is resumed with a pass.
Forniés (Cartagena) takes the throw.
Palencia (Leganés) takes the throw.
Chichizola (Cartagena) goal kick that puts the ball back in motion.
Pardo (Leganés) tries a shot with his right foot, but the ball flies high and to the left.
Center to the area: De Blasis (Cartagena) is the one who hits the ball from the left.
The game is already at stake.
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