The former presenter of Save me, In some explosive statements, she points out Mediaset (without naming her) for trying to gag her or wanting to turn her into a “talking head.” There's more to her: she claims that she was offered a network contract if she left her principles upon entering the set. Carlota Corredera, of course, disguises her cannon shots by placing her speech within the framework of humor, within the space of the Being chain. The Idiots' Dinner and reiterating that she is talking about a hypothetical situation. All in all, she leaves Mediaset at the feet of the horses because the journalist's description coincides point by point and unequivocally with her story or at least with the Galician version of what happened.
It could be said that Carlota Corredera (Vigo, July 21, 1974) would have thrown the stone and hidden her hand if it were not for the fact that the stone was forceful and open-handed, no matter how much the Galician woman formally situates her story in a hypothetical world, but so coincident with her true personal situation that leaves no room for doubt. What's more, with this childish dissimulation, Corredera adds irony and even cynicism to her complaint, a kind of formal wild card perhaps to avoid supposed legal implications.
Carlota was founder and later presenter of Save me, an audience success that marked a style, an era and perhaps even a business model, and that undoubtedly offered memorable moments in the recent history of television for almost three decades. But a show that also often descended into the hells of the lowest entertainment, hurting many people to feed the meat grinder and sustain the audience at a low price to ultimately fill the coffers of the Berlusconi and the producers of the invention. Thanks to Save me of which Carlota Corredera was a part, guignoles that had nothing to lose became weapons of mass destruction against good manners. Save me It kept us company, it entertained us, it informed us and it entertained us, sometimes with the ingenuity and sometimes even the genius of its drivers and creators. But also they normalized the most aggressive language; They made rhetorical violence a daily ingredient on television, they acted as packs of lynch mobs against enemies and devoured their prey using people as fuel to feed the audience machine. Not to mention the internal stabbings or the behavior of those responsible with the broken toys when they already served us to raise the share.
— LABORRE (@camposborre) February 16, 2024
Since last May 5 we revealed for the first time that the Save me universe disappeared of the screen, the owners of the beach bar, and great material beneficiaries of the lucrative invention, have tried to convert that paradigm of trash TV into a cult format, evoking the fun moments of the format, canonizing Save me and its satellites, painting the universe of The TV Factory as if they had served as standard bearers of freedom guiding the people, champions of values such as equality and against gender violence. But the reality is that many women, some of them famous, suffered the ridicule of these paddling bastards disguised as heroes.
Carlota Corredera had no qualms about participating in programs that embittered the lives of many women, with attacks that went much further than what freedom of expression justifies. Now Carlota has attacked Mediaset, leaving them as amoral monsters who are against equality, feminism, victims of gender violence or anything for which she is currently breaking her face. Yes, currently, because when in Sálvame, with her as director and then as presenter, they humiliated the guests, called them women with a happy life, took them to the set to ridicule them and confront their attackers, there, she, Carlota Corredera, The standard-bearer of feminism and the defense of women's rights, not only kept silent and looked the other way, but also pushed her collaborators to continue drawing blood and mocking the female on duty.
Corredera has accused Mediaset of trying to gag her and wanting to turn her into a “talking head”, of proposing a program and a network contract with a lot of money (after firing her) in exchange for her keeping her opinions to herself and leaving her principles off the set. She maintains that she said no, although after leaving she returned to present Who is your father? Another thing is that the audience decided to turn off the television when she appeared and the program lasted three days.
Carlota is capable of defending one thing and the opposite naturally. The journalist denounces hiding her hand, sheltered in humor and hypothesis. She resorted to a crude stratagem to accuse without being accused, similar to the one sometimes used in Save me. To say one thing while doing another. Corredera, who wrote a book encouraging everyone to lose weight because obesity was the pandemic of the 21st century, regained the dozens of kilos he lost, and then dedicated himself to selling that there is no need to worry about extra kilos, that Fat is beautiful, and that you have to be happy being fat and that it's okay to be fat.
But the best thing is that you judge for yourself and draw your own conclusions. Below we offer you the complete testimony of the journalist who became the star presenter of Telecinco along with Jorge Javier Vázquez, who presented Rocío, tell the truth to stay alive, docudrama that polarized Spanish society, and which was later fired from Mediaset. Cadena Ser itself records its intervention as follows:
“This is a dilemma that has to do with a woman who is a journalist. She is a television presenter, she has a meteoric career… She is a person who is very well known. Suddenly everyone knows her. She appears in magazines, on networks… She is a person who is passionate and generates passions. There are people who really like that presenter and people who really hate her. She is presenting programs, she is creating her career, she is forging her professional career as a presenter and suddenly she is given a program. They offer her to present a program that is very controversial, a program that also has to do with gender violence and this program creates a brutal polarization in society and also in the network in which she works. She gets very mixed up She decides to clearly position herself with equality, feminism, the victims of gender violence… The program ends, but for months there is still polarization… things are still going strong… And one day they call her to tell her that the network is letting go of her services as a presenter. This presenter stops having that focus, she stops having that visibility that she had… she continues doing journalism in smaller places, and she makes her journey in the desert. But, suddenly, she receives a call from the same network that had dispensed with her services and they tell her 'we want to meet with you, we have something to tell you'. They meet with her and make the following offer. She tells him 'we have seriously thought about getting you back as a presenter, we believe you are an asset to our group. We are going to offer you very good conditions.' This person is closer to 50 than 40. And they make her a financially juicy offer, with a good network contract that ensures stability… Something that had never happened to her… She, while they were making that proposal to her, knew there was a trick And her trick is that, in addition to those wonderful conditions and the fact that they bet on her to the death, she has to comply with a clause and she has to sign it. And that is non-negotiable. And the clause says that this presenter will have to leave her principles outside the set, at the door, because she is absolutely prohibited from giving her opinion, defending or discussing any issue that has to do with equality, gender violence or feminism… that person will have to leave her principles before entering the set and be a talking head, who highly value her as a professional but who are not interested in her opinion or her defense of human rights or her fight for equality, or her commitment as a journalist, because this person understands journalism as a commitment. Then they tell him if you want this chain contract this is the clause “And what did you do?” asks the host of the podcast, Aimar Bretos. “I said no,” she replies. Then, quickly, she hides her hand: “I said no in fiction.” “No, no… Let's see, please… I mean, please, I can already see the digital headlines… This is a fictional dilemma. It's fiction, it's fiction…”.
— LABORRE (@camposborre) February 16, 2024
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