The players leave the green and we also withdraw. It has been a pleasure to comment on the game. On this page we tell you all the matches of the competition. A hug!
End of this period of the match.
Paloschi (Cagliari) shoots at goal with the right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes off target.
Zanimacchia (Juventus) takes the throw.
Nice shot from Zanimacchia (Juventus)! Launch with the right leg. Well run.
Throw-in by Walukiewicz (Cagliari).
The ball goes out and Alex Sandro (Juventus) takes the throw.
Juventus attacks from the right wing: Zanimacchia puts the ball.
Zanimacchia (Juventus) takes a corner from the left.
Ronaldo (Juventus) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
The ball goes out and Lykogiannis (Cagliari) takes the throw.
Ball into the area of Zanimacchia (Juventus).
Throw-in by Alex Sandro (Juventus) who puts the ball into play.
Game on with a goal kick from Buffon (Juventus).
There is a substitution: Pereiro replaces Joao Pedro (Cagliari).
Change in Juventus: Olivieri leaves and Higuaín enters his place.
Joao Pedro (Cagliari) attempts a shot with the right foot, but the ball flies high and to the right.
Higuaín (Juventus) misjudges his career and is caught offside.
The ball goes out and Cuadrado (Juventus) takes the throw.
Alex Sandro shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper takes the ball with ease.
The referee blows his whistle and signals Ionita (Cagliari) to Cuadrado.
Quadrado (Juventus) throw-in.
Cragno (Cagliari) takes a goal kick.
Change in Cagliari: Birsa leaves and Simeone takes his place.
Shot with the left foot of Bernardeschi (Juventus) who fails to go between the three poles.
Mattiello has been fouled by Alex Sandro (Juventus). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Zanimacchia (Juventus) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Zanimacchia (Juventus) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Zanimacchia (Juventus) puts in a cross.
Ball into the area of Zanimacchia (Juventus) from the right.
Zanimacchia (Juventus) takes a corner from the left.
Juventus attacks from the right wing: Zanimacchia puts the ball.
Zanimacchia (Juventus) executes a shot with the left foot, but the ball does not end between the three poles.
The referee whistles a Paloschi (Cagliari) infraction for Alex Sandro.
Throw-in by Mattiello (Cagliari) who puts the ball into play.
Ronaldo shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper jumps left for the ball.
Cragno (Cagliari) starts the play with a goal kick.
Bernardeschi (Juventus) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
The ball goes out and Cuadrado (Juventus) takes the throw.
Alex Sandro (Juventus) commits a foul on Lykogiannis.
Juventus attacks from the right wing: Bernardeschi puts the ball.
Bernardeschi (Juventus) takes a corner from the left.
Ronaldo (Juventus) shoots with the right leg to direct the ball into goal, but the shot went off target.
There's a substitution: Peeters replaces Bentancur (Juventus).
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Lykogiannis (Cagliari) to Zanimacchia.
Juventus's Bentancur approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Bentancur (Juventus) takes a corner from the left.
Shot with the left foot of Bentancur (Juventus) that fails to go between the three poles.
Cross into the box: Ronaldo (Juventus) is the scorer from the left.
Paloschi has been fouled by Bentancur (Juventus). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Mattiello (Cagliari) takes the throw.
Buffon (Juventus) starts the play with a goal kick.
Simeone (Cagliari) tries a high shot with his left foot, but the ball goes down the left side.
Oops! Simeone (Cagliari) shoots with the right. The ball is directed out of goal.
Lykogiannis (Cagliari) puts in a cross.
Cross into the box by Alex Sandro (Juventus).
The ball goes out and Walukiewicz (Cagliari) takes the throw.
Mattiello (Cagliari) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Mattiello (Cagliari).
Zanimacchia (Juventus) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
Ronaldo shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper jumps left for the ball.
Zanimacchia has been fouled by Lykogiannis (Cagliari). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Throw in by Lykogiannis (Cagliari), who puts the ball in play.
Quadrado (Juventus) takes the throw-in.
Cragno (Cagliari) starts the play with a goal kick.
Bernardeschi (Juventus) must continue to try his luck if he wants to add something to his personal locker. He tried it with a shot with his left foot.
Bernardeschi (Juventus) takes a corner from the right side.
Juventus tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Zanimacchia centers from the left wing.
The referee shows Joao Pedro the yellow card.
Lack! Joao Pedro (Cagliari) commits a foul on Cuadrado.
Juventus tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Cuadrado centers from the left wing.
The ball goes out and Cuadrado (Juventus) takes the throw.
Cross into the box: Zanimacchia (Juventus) is the scorer from the left.
Throw-in by Mattiello (Cagliari).
Zanimacchia (Juventus) miscalculates his sprint and sees how the assistant invalidates his action. Offside.
Quadrado (Juventus) takes the throw-in.
Change in the ranks of Juventus: Zanimacchia replaces Pjanic.
There is a substitution: Matuidi replaces Muratore (Juventus).
Ronaldo (Juventus) will have to keep trying his luck if he wants to add something to his personal locker. He tried it with a shot with his left foot.
Cagliari tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Lykogiannis centers from the left wing.
Cagliari tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Lykogiannis centers from the left wing.
Cross into the box: Lykogiannis (Cagliari) is the scorer from the left.
Alex Sandro (Juventus) takes a free kick on Joao Pedro.
Goal kick by Cragno (Cagliari) that puts the ball in motion again.
Bernardeschi (Juventus) hits a header. The ball is lost on the right side.
Cross into the area of Muratore (Juventus).
Lack! Cuadrado (Juventus) has committed a foul on Simeone.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Cragno (Cagliari).
Throw-in Lykogiannis (Cagliari).
Game in progress with a goal kick by Cragno (Cagliari).
The referee blows his whistle and signals Ionita (Cagliari) to Cuadrado.
The low shot from the head by Alex Sandro (Juventus) is stopped by the goalkeeper at the bottom of his goal.
Pjanic (Juventus) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Pjanic (Juventus) takes a corner from the right.
Juventus tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Pjanic centers from the left wing.
Muratore shoots with the right foot a ball that is rising and heading over the post that the goalkeeper deflects out.
Simeone (Cagliari) miscalculates his sprint and sees the wizard invalidate his action. Offside.
Outside! Shot with the right leg of Muratore (Juventus), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.
Buffon (Juventus) takes a goal kick.
Joao Pedro shoots high with his right leg, but the ball goes out to the side of the right post.
Lack! Paloschi (Cagliari) commits a foul on Cuadrado.
Cuadrado (Juventus) takes the throw.
Quadrado (Juventus) throw-in.
There's a substitution: Paloschi replaces Rog (Cagliari).
Higuaín (Juventus) tries with his right leg. The ball has ended between the three posts of the opposite goal.
Ronaldo (Juventus) has tried to shoot at goal, but has not managed to get the ball between the three poles.
The referee marks the beginning of this period.
Change in Cagliari: Lykogiannis leaves and Gagliano takes his place.
End of this period of the match.
Pjanic (Juventus) has shot on target, but the ball goes off target.
Pjanic (Juventus) has shot on target, but the ball goes off target.
Pjanic (Juventus) shoots with the right leg to the ball directly into goal, but the shot went off target.
Rog (Cagliari) commits a foul on Cuadrado.
Bernardeschi (Juventus) must continue to try his luck if he wants to add something to his personal locker. He tried it with a shot with his left foot.
Alex Sandro (Juventus) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Goool! Simeone's placed shot pierces the goal!
Simeone (Cagliari) tries with his right leg. The ball has ended between the three posts of the opposite goal.
Throw-in by Farago (Cagliari), who puts the ball in play.
Goal kick by Cragno (Cagliari) that puts the ball in motion again.
Ronaldo (Juventus) attempts a shot with the right foot, but the ball flies high and to the right.
Juventus tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Bernardeschi centers from the left wing.
Throw-in by Bernardeschi (Juventus) who puts the ball into play.
Cross into the box: Bentancur (Juventus) is the scorer from the left.
Bentancur shoots low a ball that is directed to the goal and that the goalkeeper easily stops.
Alex Sandro (Juventus) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Alex Sandro (Juventus) takes the throw.
Bernardeschi (Juventus) commits a foul on Gagliano.
Throw-in by Alex Sandro (Juventus) who puts the ball into play.
Juventus tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Bentancur centers from the left wing.
Shot with the left foot of Bernardeschi (Juventus) who fails to go between the three poles.
Cragno (Cagliari) starts the play with a goal kick.
Cuadrado (Juventus) attempts a low shot with the right foot, but the ball goes out to the left post.
The referee whistles for a violation by Gagliano (Cagliari) to Bonucci.
The referee interprets that there has been a hand from Ronaldo (Juventus) and stops the play.
Cragno (Cagliari) takes a goal kick.
Higuaín (Juventus) attempts a volley shot with the right foot, which goes high and to the right.
Juventus tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Bernardeschi centers from the left wing.
Bernardeschi (Juventus) takes a corner kick from the right.
Cross into the box: Bernardeschi (Juventus) is the scorer from the left.
Dangerous launch! Ronaldo (Juventus) chooses to shoot directly at goal, but the play ends out of the three poles.
Ronaldo (Juventus) shoots with the right leg to direct the ball into goal, but the shot went off target.
Ronaldo (Juventus) failed to see the door after the shot with the right foot.
Bernardeschi has been fouled by Rog (Cagliari). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Bentancur (Juventus) shoots at goal with the right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes off target.
Juventus tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Higuaín centers from the left wing.
The ball goes out and Alex Sandro (Juventus) takes the throw.
Ronaldo (Juventus) miscalculates his sprint and sees the assistant invalidate his action. Offside.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Cragno (Cagliari).
Bonucci (Juventus) has tried to shoot at goal, but has not managed to get the ball between the three poles.
Pjanic (Juventus) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Pjanic (Juventus) takes a corner from the left.
Ball into Pjanic's (Juventus) area from the right.
Outside! Shot with the right leg of Ronaldo (Juventus), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.
Cross into the box by Alex Sandro (Juventus).
Ceppitelli has been fouled by Ronaldo (Juventus). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The referee shows Pjanic the yellow card.
Joao Pedro has been fouled by Pjanic (Juventus). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Outside! Shot with the right leg of Ronaldo (Juventus), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.
Throw-in by Alex Sandro (Juventus) who puts the ball into play.
Cragno (Cagliari) takes a goal kick.
Oops! Bentancur (Juventus) shoots with the right foot. The ball is directed out of goal.
The ball goes out and Farago (Cagliari) takes the throw.
Joao Pedro has been fouled by Pjanic (Juventus). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The ball goes out and Klavan (Cagliari) takes the throw.
Ronaldo (Juventus) shoots at goal with the right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes off target.
Ionita has been fouled by Muratore (Juventus). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Joao Pedro shoots low a ball that is aimed at the goal and that the goalkeeper easily stops.
Gagliano (Cagliari) commits a foul on Cuadrado.
Rog (Cagliari) is shown the yellow card.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Rog (Cagliari) on Bentancur.
Ronaldo (Juventus) is offside and watches the linesman raise his flag.
Bernardeschi (Juventus) takes a shot with the left foot, but the ball doesn't end between the three poles.
Buffon (Juventus) takes a goal kick.
Without powder! The ball is lost beyond the goal after Walukiewicz (Cagliari) manages to head it.
Cross into the Rog (Cagliari) area.
Rog (Cagliari) takes a corner from the left.
Ball into Rog's (Cagliari) area from the right.
Cagliari attacks from the right wing: Mattiello puts the ball.
Cross into the box: Ronaldo (Juventus) is the scorer from the left.
Mattiello shoots volley between the three poles, but the goalkeeper stops the ball down to the right.
Cagliari tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Walukiewicz centers from the left wing.
Mattiello (Cagliari) takes the throw.
Ball into Mattiello's (Cagliari) area from the right.
Throw-in by Alex Sandro (Juventus).
Farago (Cagliari) commits a foul on Bentancur.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Cragno (Cagliari).
Cuadrado (Juventus) tries a high shot with the left foot, but the ball flies down the left side.
Ball into Pjanic's (Juventus) area from the right.
Pjanic (Juventus) takes a corner from the left.
Cuadrado (Juventus) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Throw-in by Alex Sandro (Juventus) who puts the ball into play.
Goool! Gagliano is a successful player and nobody can stop the goal from going up!
Nice shot from Gagliano (Cagliari)! Launch with the right leg. Well run.
Ball to Farago's (Cagliari) area.
Higuaín shoots low a ball that is aimed at the goal and that the goalkeeper easily stops.
Klavan (Cagliari) throw-in.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a fault from Muratore (Juventus) to Farago.
Muratore shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper darts to the right for the ball.
Throw-in by Mattiello (Cagliari).
Throw-in by Farago (Cagliari), who puts the ball in play.
Gagliano shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper takes the ball with ease.
Cross to the box: Square (Juventus) is the one who puts the ball from the left.
Bernardeschi (Juventus) takes the throw.
The match is already at stake.
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