The collateral damage of the political-media controversy unleashed by the negotiations to incorporate David Broncano to RTVE have damaged the image of the Corporation and of the comedian himself. The operation, announced by Informalia for the first time on February 28, still without materializing, he took the president ahead Elena Sanchez and the Director of Contents José Pablo López, in addition to the Secretary General, Alfonso Morales, and the Board of Directors of RTVE is in a situation of unusual ungovernability.
The appointment of Concepción Cascajosa as interim president of RTVE has not served to provide stability to the Corporation at the moment. This situation has inflamed the spirits of many workers, concerned not only because of the uncertainty but because, as a union source says, “David Broncano’s transgressive humor can turn public radio and television into a political war space.”
The humor of the Galician raised in Jaén, the son of teachers, has little to do with the humorous style or customs of Martes y Trece, Cruz y Raya or José Mota. Rather, it is between the absurdity of Muchachada Nui, which was seen on La 2, or the heir to Vaya Semanita, Made in China, which failed on La 1 almost 2 decades ago.
Broncano, if his signing is completed in prime time on La 1, to try to compete with Pablo Motos he will have to reformulate The resistance and convert the Movistar Plus+ format into a friendlier and more familiar program, where it has already had problems due to its excesses. On the platform they made disappear an entire showman program for which Pedro Sánchez now pines because it included a monologue from a friend of the presenter, Iggy Rubin.
Rubin ironically with the kidnapping of José Antonio Ortega Lara, prison officer kidnapped by ETA and founder of Vox: “We must never underestimate the extent of human cruelty. What is the extent of human cruelty? It is impossible to know. Years later he founded a party, he calls it Vox, and no one tells him “Does it mean what it means in English?” he pointed out to refer to box.
“I know it’s with a vee! “The thing is that the ceiling of the cellar was very low and there is no room for a B. Be very careful about giving a seat to José Antonio Ortega Lara, who is making a loft for himself!” stated the short-lived collaborator of The resistance.
Telefónica’s platform justified the censorship: “Iggy Rubin’s monologue, a guest on the program La Resistencia, does not conform to the principles of Movistar Plus+. Consequently, it has been immediately removed from all platforms on the platform. We deeply regret the damage it has caused and we apologize. thus”.
And Broncano put a cape on his friend: “You can’t be a better person.. If those who called him a bloodthirsty animal spent an afternoon with him, I am sure they would invite him to his house on Christmas Eve and include him in his inheritance, given the boy’s human magnitude.”
“Of course, I am amazed by the impetus and fury with which a joke is attacked and judged, even if it hurts you, when we are hearing atrocities every day at each meeting, and those go without a joke eh… I know that Movistar does not “He has acted this way due to pressure from no one. There has been pressure with a thousand other jokes that we have made and they have never told us anything,” he added.
The showman also defended his bosses: “I know that Movistar has not acted in this way due to pressure from anyone. There has been pressure with a thousand other jokes that we have made and they have never told us anything. I think we have been making a strong comedy for two years and free and I am happy and grateful for it.
And he added: “It is a huge company, with direct interaction with people and the need to address many sensitivities. Its position in a debate on an alleged humiliation of victims of terrorism, even without going into more details, is a question of its corporate values and I don’t get involved there.”
Another space presented and directed by David Broncano, the radio Modern life, It also accumulated several controversies until it ceased broadcasting 3 years ago. Cadena SER, which broadcast the program, apologized for some jokes by collaborator Ignatius Farray against the city of Huelva.
The Canarian comedian mocked the alleged ugliness of the Andalusian city after talking about the badminton champion Carolina Marín: “There is a lot of merit in being a champion being from Huelva. You don’t have to mess too much with Huelva, they already have enough.”
The Huelva Provincial Council showed its anger and in Prisa they agreed with the administration (and SER advertiser). “Despite there being a permanent debate about the limits of humor, which could contextualize this episode, the mere fact that a single person feels offended by comments made in this program forces Cadena SER to apologize for it,” they noted.
Another collaborator of Modern Life, Héctor de Miguel, made headlines a few days ago when he was sentenced to pay 41,800 euros to journalist Alfonso Rojo for calling him “subnormal” on several occasions to the laughter of Broncano,
“Such illegitimate interference is declared in his honor from the demonstrations expressed on Twitter, Cadena SER and YouTube,” the ruling states. That it has demanded that De Miguel remove from its social networks “the expressions that are the subject of this lawsuit, refraining from the future from totally or partially disseminating the content of the aforementioned publications in any media of the business group.”
David Broncano has an offer on the table from Movistar Plus+, which wants to sign his program for 3 years in exchange for 10 million euros per campaign, but his intention is to go live on RTVE, which could guarantee him almost the same amount (28 million euros) in 2 seasons. Some senior manager, investor, with ties to both Telefónica and Prisa has sent Movistar a message originating in Moncloa: “Do not put up too much resistance if in the end Broncano receives the firm offer from RTVE.”
The showman has also had contacts with Mediaset España, which refused to sign for more than a year. Berlusconi’s chain already tempted him to compete with Pablo Motos in the days of Paolo Vasile. But, at that time, Broncano opted to keep La Resistencia on Movistar Plus+, which remains silent regarding the media operation.
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