The players leave the green and so do we. It has been a pleasure to comment on the game. On this page we tell you all the matches of the competition. A hug!
The referee signals the end of this period.
Hazard (Borussia Dortmund) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
Hazard (Borussia Dortmund) takes a corner from the left.
Guerreiro shoots low with his left leg between the three sticks, but the goalkeeper throws himself to the right for the ball.
Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund).
Throw-in by Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld), who puts the ball into play.
Ortega Moreno (Arminia Bielefeld) takes a goal kick.
Brandt tries to get a high cross with his right leg, but the ball flies high and away from the right post.
The ball goes out and Vlap (Arminia Bielefeld) takes the throw.
Ball to the area of Vlap (Arminia Bielefeld).
Vlap (Arminia Bielefeld) takes a corner from the right.
Gebauer (Arminia Bielefeld) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Foul by Vlap (Arminia Bielefeld) to Bellingham.
Throw-in by Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld), who puts the ball into play.
Throw-in by Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund).
Throw-in by Meunier (Borussia Dortmund).
Change in Borussia Dortmund: Zagadou leaves and Hummels enters.
Change in Borussia Dortmund: Brandt leaves and Dahoud enters.
Borussia Dortmund tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Hazard centers from the left wing.
Ortega Moreno (Arminia Bielefeld) takes a goal kick.
Out of! Hummels (Borussia Dortmund) tried it but his header missed high to the left of the frame.
Sancho (Borussia Dortmund) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Prietl (Arminia Bielefeld) has been shown a yellow card.
Prietl (Arminia Bielefeld) commits a foul on Haaland.
Throw-in by Meunier (Borussia Dortmund).
Throw-in by Laursen (Arminia Bielefeld).
Reinier's goal! The ball crosses under the goal line!
Nice shot from Reinier (Borussia Dortmund)! Throw with the right leg. Well run.
Throw-in by Meunier (Borussia Dortmund), who puts the ball into play.
There is a substitution: Meunier replaces Mateu Morey (Borussia Dortmund).
Change in the ranks of Borussia Dortmund: Reinier replaces Reus.
Haaland (Borussia Dortmund) will have to keep trying his luck if he wants to add something to his personal locker. He tried it with a shot with his left foot.
Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
Throw-in by Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund).
Haaland (Borussia Dortmund) miscalculates his sprint and sees how the assistant invalidates his action. Offside.
Laursen (Arminia Bielefeld) takes the throw.
There is a substitution: Seufert replaces Kunze (Arminia Bielefeld).
Change in Arminia Bielefeld: Okugawa leaves and Doan enters.
Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld) fouls Sancho.
The ball goes out and Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund) takes the throw.
Ball into Schipplock's (Arminia Bielefeld) box from the right.
Laursen (Arminia Bielefeld) takes the throw.
Schipplock (Arminia Bielefeld) has a chance to score, but her left foot shot goes wide.
Nice shot from Sancho (Borussia Dortmund)! Throw with the right leg. Well run.
Sancho (Borussia Dortmund) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
Sancho (Borussia Dortmund) takes a corner from the left.
Schipplock (Arminia Bielefeld) commits a foul on Can.
Kunze (Arminia Bielefeld) is cautioned.
Hummels wins a free kick from Kunze (Arminia Bielefeld). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Game underway with a goal kick from Hitz (Borussia Dortmund).
Doan shoots high with his left foot, but the ball goes over the crossbar.
Out of! Shot with the right leg of Bellingham (Borussia Dortmund), who sees how the ball goes away from the three posts.
Reus shoots with his right a ball that rises towards the goal but the goalkeeper stops at the top right.
Change in the ranks of Borussia Dortmund: Hazard replaces Reyna.
Kunze (Arminia Bielefeld) commits a foul on Sancho.
Ball into the area of Haaland (Borussia Dortmund) from the right.
Ball to the area of Sancho (Borussia Dortmund).
Sancho (Borussia Dortmund) dribbles a corner from the right.
Reyna (Borussia Dortmund) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Doan (Arminia Bielefeld) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
Prietl wins a free kick from Reus (Borussia Dortmund). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Foul by Dahoud (Borussia Dortmund) to Vlap.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Kunze (Arminia Bielefeld) on Bellingham.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Doan (Arminia Bielefeld) on Dahoud.
Hitz (Borussia Dortmund) kicked the ball back into motion.
Arminia Bielefeld's bench moves with the replacement of Vlap by Klos.
There is a substitution: Gebauer replaces Voglsammer (Arminia Bielefeld).
Change in the ranks of Arminia Bielefeld: Schipplock replaces Córdova.
Klos tries a low shot with his right foot, but it goes far from the left post.
Klos (Arminia Bielefeld) tried to shoot at goal, but failed to get the ball between the three posts.
Goool! Sancho (Borussia Dortmund) scored !!!
Chance for Borussia Dortmund! It was thanks to a launch by Sancho with the right.
What an opportunity for Sancho (Borussia Dortmund) !!! The player shoots directly at goal.
Pieper (Arminia Bielefeld) has been shown a yellow card.
Penalty against (Arminia Bielefeld) for lack of Pieper on Reus.
Mateu Morey (Borussia Dortmund) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld) on Bellingham.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Can (Borussia Dortmund) on Klos.
Reus (Borussia Dortmund) has a chance to score, but his left foot shot goes wide.
Ball to the area of Mateu Morey (Borussia Dortmund).
Throw-in by Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld).
The ball crosses the line. Dahoud (Borussia Dortmund) goal!
Nice shot from Dahoud (Borussia Dortmund)! Throw with the right leg. Well run.
Voglsammer shoots low with his left leg between the three sticks, but the goalkeeper lunges to the right for the ball.
The game is already at stake.
End of this period of the match.
The referee gives a violation of Prietl (Arminia Bielefeld) to Can.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Reus (Borussia Dortmund) to Nilsson.
Hitz (Borussia Dortmund) takes a goal kick.
Cordova (Arminia Bielefeld) left-handed shot that fails to go between the three sticks.
Throw-in by Nilsson (Arminia Bielefeld), who puts the ball into play.
Reus (Borussia Dortmund) takes the throw.
Hummels (Borussia Dortmund) heads high between the three sticks, but the goalkeeper takes the ball after diving to the left side.
Cross to the area of Sancho (Borussia Dortmund).
Sancho (Borussia Dortmund) takes a corner from the left.
Haaland shoots low with his left leg between the three sticks, but the goalkeeper lunges to the right for the ball.
Haaland shoots low with his left leg between the three sticks, but the goalkeeper lunges to the right for the ball.
Ball to the area of Doan (Arminia Bielefeld).
Ortega Moreno's (Arminia Bielefeld) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Doan (Arminia Bielefeld) on Dahoud.
Foul by Can (Borussia Dortmund) to Córdova.
Borussia Dortmund tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Reyna centers from the left wing.
Game underway with a goal kick from Ortega Moreno (Arminia Bielefeld).
Whoops! Reyna (Borussia Dortmund) shoots with the right. The ball goes out of goal.
Reus (Borussia Dortmund) miscalculates his career and is caught offside.
Ortega Moreno (Arminia Bielefeld) starts the play with a goal kick.
Crossing into the box: Sancho (Borussia Dortmund) takes the ball from the left.
Sancho (Borussia Dortmund) dribbles a corner from the right.
Can (Borussia Dortmund) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Mateu Morey (Borussia Dortmund) takes the throw.
Ortega Moreno (Arminia Bielefeld) starts the play with a goal kick.
Reus tries a high shot with his left foot, but the ball hits the crossbar and goes wide.
Shot with the left foot of Hummels (Borussia Dortmund) that fails to go between the three suits.
Borussia Dortmund tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Sancho centers from the left wing.
Mateu Morey wins a free kick from Kunze (Arminia Bielefeld). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Reyna (Borussia Dortmund) commits a foul on Laursen.
Laursen (Arminia Bielefeld) takes the throw.
Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld) takes the throw.
Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund) throws the ball into play.
Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld) takes the throw.
Haaland (Borussia Dortmund) commits a foul on Pieper.
Ball to the area of Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld).
Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld) takes a corner from the right.
Reus (Borussia Dortmund) commits a foul on Kunze.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Dahoud (Borussia Dortmund) to Laursen.
Throw-in by Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund).
Kunze (Arminia Bielefeld) commits a foul on Bellingham.
Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld) is offside and watches the linesman raise his pennant.
Kunze (Arminia Bielefeld) tries with her right leg. The ball has ended between the three sticks of the opposing goal.
The ball goes out and Sancho (Borussia Dortmund) takes the throw.
Kunze wins a free kick from Reyna (Borussia Dortmund). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Mateu Morey (Borussia Dortmund) on Voglsammer.
Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld) commits a foul on Sancho.
Throw-in by Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld).
The ball goes out and Mateu Morey (Borussia Dortmund) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund) takes the throw.
Hitz (Borussia Dortmund) kicked the ball back into motion.
Doan (Arminia Bielefeld) takes a shot with her left foot, but the ball does not end between the three sticks.
Ball to the area of Voglsammer (Arminia Bielefeld) from the right.
Ortega Moreno (Arminia Bielefeld) starts the play with a goal kick.
Reyna (Borussia Dortmund) shoots at goal with her right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes astray.
Ortega Moreno (Arminia Bielefeld) takes a goal kick.
Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund) tries a high shot with his left foot, but the ball goes off the left post.
Bellingham (Borussia Dortmund) tried to shoot at goal, but failed to get the ball between the three posts.
Throw-in by Brunner (Arminia Bielefeld).
Kunze (Arminia Bielefeld) commits a foul on Bellingham.
Game underway with a goal kick from Hitz (Borussia Dortmund).
Haaland (Borussia Dortmund) commits a foul on Pieper.
The ball is already rolling on the grass!
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