Dips into the Italian chain. The man of Berlusconi in Spain imposes the law of silence. Such a scandal has been mounted in the Italian listed company that there is no other remedy. The clash between Martha I can y Christina Porta last week live, during the broadcast of Save me, he has turned the chain upside down. So much so that one of the collateral victims, the aforementioned Borja Prado, president of the listed company, has made his second decision in this regard.
The first was to ask for explanations from the production company for which Riesco works and that they tie her short, which has meant that they have punished her without going on screen. Now, the president of Mediaset has decided that nobody talks about the subject in any program on the channel. “As if nothing had happened”has said.
What happened in the program was immediately censored from the version of the program that Telecinco leaves posted on Mitele, Mediaset’s Internet channel where you can see anything that its conventional channels have broadcast, although social networks are not forgiving and it is easy to find what happened. . Then came the interventions of the Martha I can in her accounts: from recording herself in a state of anxiety, to protesting that she was the victim of the repressors of Mediaset, which he considers an injustice. By the way, that the girlfriend of Anthony David He alluded to Borja Prado again.
The president of Mediaset is victim of an unprecedented image scandal. Last week his name went viral: Borja Prado has appeared mixed with the most puppets freaks of his own trash TV. He does not want more scandals or comments alluding to him or any other executive member that exposes the chain to more criticism. Marta was comfortable during the live show at Las Ventas: “Let’s see what Borja Prado thinks of this because this is harassment,” she said. And the next day, after learning that she had been removed from her work as a reporter and during an anxiety attack, she blurted out: “We are teaching our little ones and adolescents not to give up against the bullying. To denounce the abusers, to tell their relatives. To the directors. Not to silence And now it’s just what I do. Denounce it publicly and ask the president of my work to do something while they rebuke me and what they do to me the next day is to remove me from my duties, not the abusers. That’s the real example of what happens when we try to get justice done.”
Marta is on medical leave due to anxiety after this chapter, but it has been a long time since she became uncomfortable for the Fuencarral chain. After confessing that she was dating Antonio David and publicly confronting Save me, stopped working at Ana Rose as a reporter to move on to new projects away from any direct. “She risked her position with everything she did and said, but in the end they left her in the production company’s offices until some time passed and things calmed down,” a person who knows the situation first-hand tells us. .
once it started Fiesta They decided to give him a second chance, which he has certainly taken advantage of because as a journalist he works well, but at the least appropriate moment the spark has jumped and has once again put the chain and the producer in a more than delicate situation. In fact, in other similar cases and less media coverage, some collaborators have stopped working for less. You just have to remember rose benedict and his first outing Save me upon his son-in-law’s demand to realize it.
In the case of Marta, the situation is more delicate. She has been linked to Unicorn, the producer of Ana Rosa Quintana, for more than seven years, and the public dimension of her dismissal would be a scandal. But the case would be similar and has been raised. Her boyfriend has sued Mediaset and has won in the first instance. In addition, Rociito’s ex does not stop making comments against the chain and its managers, not to mention the attacks against Jorge Javier Vazquez. Without going any further, a few days ago, when he tried to defend her from the attacks. “What you have been suffering in recent months is unacceptable and incomprehensible on the part of a media outlet that champions causes according to what interests them in business. They are the factory of manipulation. They impose single thought. They are specialists in distorting reality and in inciting their public to hatred, harassment and destroying people’s lives, vilely deceiving them all when they are the ones who have the most to hide. They are the example of a criminal organization never seen before on television, so they are going to have to respond to justice. They hold the record in CNMC sanctions and lawsuits in court by famous people where all their rights are violated. And now one more, workplace harassment and abuse of power.” And then he offered his full support to his girlfriend. “Marta, I want to see you recover soon. I want you to be the strong and fighting person you are again. Now more than ever. Give us the best of yourself again. Make us laugh. Give us love. Because you know you have a lot of people who take care of you and who love you. Brave is the one who tells the truth even knowing that he can lose his calm”.
Once again, they are placing Borja Prado in a more than complicated situation because, although it seems that there has been a campaign of harassment and demolition against Marta and Antonio David with harsh attacks, it is also understandable that one may think that a live program cannot be interrupted and shout the name of the president of the company saying that this is bullying. So things, Prado is clear: avoidr for that to happen again and silence administrative.
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