Categories: General Sports News

Between prison and television: the judicial history of Carlo Costanzia, son of Mar Flores

Carlothe son of Mar Torres y Carlo Costanziajoins this week's list of interviewees Friday! The actor will talk about his family past, pointing out his parents for the anxiety and rejection he suffered inside and outside his home. His first exposure to antidepressants, at age 10, marked the beginning of his complicated relationship with substances. In fact, on more than one occasion he has alleged that the problems he has with the law have been influenced, in part, by acting under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

Before participating in the Telecinco program, the interpreter made headlines for his controversial judicial record. In fact, his future is not very hopeful. On September 27, the Provincial Court of Malaga ratified the two-year prison sentence imposed on him after being accused of fraud along with his former partner in a business selling high-end vehicles that never reached their clients.

The judge rejected his request not to go to prison despite the fact that his sentence did not exceed 22 months. The young man reached a plea deal, but it broke down. According to his version, the fault that this happened was his lawyers for not providing enough evidence to not allow him to be found guilty of the crime of which he was accused. However, after changing lawyers he managed to reach an agreement with those affected by the scam.

The interpreter of Toy boy He explained that he spoke with each and every one of those affected and He promised them that he would return all the money he owed them, including the more than 100,000 euros they paid to their former partner. The court that handed down the sentence is the same one that ordered prison for Isabel Pantoja, who also had a sentence of less than two years.

Conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol

For now, The young man is in a situation of semi-freedom with a telematic bracelet, who had already charged him with another crime for driving under the influence of alcohol. “This has allowed me to get the two sentences,” he explained last September in And now Sonsoles. “That is why I have already served four months of the 21-month sentence,” he added.

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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