Categories: Football

Atlético honors the 'sons' of two glorious teams

Atlético will pay tribute this week to the 'children' of two glorious teams from the Madrid club. Atlético wants to continue with some of the traditions that have permeated its fans and will thus deliver the gold and silver badges to the members who have been for 50 and 25 years uninterruptedly.

The club will impose 261 gold badges on members who registered between July 1, 1970 and June 30, 1971. And in the same way it will impose 1,036 silver badges those who were discharged between July 1, 1995 and June 30, 1996. Health measures prevent the act from being as it had been before the pandemic, although the social area wants its partners to continue having the recognition of the entity.

The honorees will come accompanied by their relatives and friends and will enjoy a tour of the stadium, they will see their name written in the dressing room tunnel, they will be able to photograph themselves with the trophies of the men's and women's team that Atlético has won in the last 50 and 25 years, including the last league title. In addition, they will be able to enter the changing room, sit on the benches …

The members who will receive the Atletico recognition joined the club in the glorious times of the Madrid club. Thus, those who will now receive the silver badge became partners in the 1995-96 season, that of the Radomir Antic team double. and with players such as Simeone, Caminero, Kiko, Pantic … At the end of May, the 25th anniversary of the achievement of the league title, a circumstance that Atlético took advantage of to remember that success. And there was even a documentary on the year of the double.

Those who will receive the gold badge are the 'sons' of one of the most glorious stages of the Madrid club throughout its history. Atlético won the season championship 69-70 and 72-73. Before he had also done it in exercise 65-66. It was a stage in which Atlético had players like Luis Aragonés, Gárate, Ufarte, Adelardo, Alberto … It was a stage where they also won the 71-72 Cup, a few years where the team fought for all the titles.

Atlético now has 130,000 members and on a social level it is going through the best stage in its history. Simeone's glorious decade has contributed to this social expansion and to the fever that exists for being rojiblanco members and subscribers.

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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