With the actions finished we say goodbye, but don't forget to keep up to date with the main sporting events on this page. See you soon!
The referee ends this period of the match.
Ramírez (Sampdoria) commits a foul on Gómez.
Sampdoria tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Ramírez centers from the left wing.
Ramírez (Sampdoria) takes a corner kick from the right.
Ramírez (Sampdoria) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Thorsby (Sampdoria) shoots high on his head between the three poles, but the goalkeeper takes the ball after jumping up.
Ramírez (Sampdoria) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Ramírez (Sampdoria) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Yellow card for Castagne (Atalanta).
The game is interrupted by hands of Castagne (Atalanta) in the judgment of the referee.
Atalanta attacks from the right wing: Freuler sets the ball.
Malinovskiy (Atalanta) executes a corner kick from the left wing.
Castagne (Atalanta) throw-in.
Castagne (Atalanta) takes the throw.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Audero (Sampdoria).
Change in the ranks of Sampdoria: D'Amico replaces Depaoli.
Lack! Ramírez (Sampdoria) commits a foul on Sutalo.
Throw in by Yoshida (Sampdoria), who puts the ball in play.
Cross into the Ramirez (Sampdoria) area.
Sampdoria attacks from the right wing: Ramírez puts the ball.
Ramírez (Sampdoria) takes a corner from the left.
Ball into Ramírez's (Sampdoria) area from the right.
Ball into Ramírez's (Sampdoria) area from the right.
Cross into the Murru (Sampdoria) area.
Shot with the left foot of Castagne (Atalanta) that fails to go between the three poles.
There's a substitution: Castagne replaces Gosens (Atalanta).
Atalanta's bench moves with the replacement of Sutalo by Zapata.
Muriel's Goool! The shot is unopposed and crosses the goal line!
Nice shot from Muriel (Atalanta)! Launch with the right leg. Well run.
Atalanta attacks from the right wing: Malinovskiy puts the ball.
Malinovskiy (Atalanta) takes a corner from the left.
Atalanta attacks from the right wing: Gómez puts the ball.
Gollini (Atalanta) starts the play with a goal kick.
Sampdoria's bench moves with the replacement of La Gumina by Ekdal.
There is one substitution: Augello replaces Jankto (Sampdoria).
There is one substitution: Ramírez replaces Gabbiadini (Sampdoria).
Murru attempts a high shot with his left foot, but the ball goes down the right side.
Throw in by Murru (Sampdoria), who puts the ball in play.
Hateboer (Atalanta) throw-in.
The ball goes out and Hateboer (Atalanta) takes the throw.
Lack! Hateboer (Atalanta) commits a foul on Colley.
Throw-in Gosens (Atalanta).
The ball goes out and Murru (Sampdoria) takes the throw.
Goal, goal, Toloi's goal!
Malinovskiy (Atalanta) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Malinovskiy (Atalanta) takes a corner kick from the right.
Cross into the box: Malinovskiy (Atalanta) is the scorer from the left.
Cross into the box: Muriel (Atalanta) is the scorer from the left.
Atalanta tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Muriel centers from the left wing.
Colley has been fouled by Muriel (Atalanta). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Throw in by Bereszynski (Sampdoria), who puts the ball in play.
Audero (Sampdoria) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.
Malinovskiy attempts a high shot with the left foot, but the ball goes to the left.
Atalanta attacks from the right wing: Freuler sets the ball.
Ball to the area of Gómez (Atalanta) from the right.
Yoshida (Sampdoria) commits a foul on Zapata.
There's a substitution: Muriel replaces Pasalic (Atalanta).
Atalanta's bench moves with the replacement of Malinovskiy by Ilicic.
The game is interrupted by hands of de Roon (Atalanta) in the opinion of the referee.
Ball to Freuler's (Atalanta) area from the right.
Hateboer (Atalanta) takes the throw.
Ball to Hateboer's area (Atalanta).
Ball to Freuler's (Atalanta) area from the right.
The referee decides to caution Bereszynski (Sampdoria).
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Bereszynski (Sampdoria) to Gómez.
Audero (Sampdoria) starts the play with a goal kick.
Hateboer attempts a volley shot with the right leg, but goes away from the left post.
Atalanta attacks from the right wing: Gómez puts the ball.
Throw in by Gosens (Atalanta), who puts the ball in play.
Lack! Zapata (Atalanta) commits a foul on Colley.
Throw-in by Bereszynski (Sampdoria).
Gabbiadini (Sampdoria) misjudges his career and is caught offside.
Jankto (Sampdoria) misjudges his career and is caught offside.
Outside! Shot with the right leg of Bereszynski (Sampdoria), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.
Cross into the Gabbiadini area (Sampdoria).
Gabbiadini (Sampdoria) takes a corner from the left.
Outside! Shot with Linetty's right leg (Sampdoria), who sees the ball go away from the three sticks.
Audero (Sampdoria) takes a goal kick.
Gómez (Atalanta) puts in a cross.
Hateboer (Atalanta) takes the throw.
Ball to the area of Gómez (Atalanta).
Lack! Ekdal (Sampdoria) commits a foul on Hateboer.
Cross into the box: Hateboer (Atalanta) is the scorer from the left.
The referee decides to caution Jankto (Sampdoria).
Ekdal (Sampdoria) commits a foul on Ilicic.
Freuler (Atalanta) throw-in.
Depaoli (Sampdoria) commits a foul on Gosens.
Cross into the Jankto (Sampdoria) area.
The referee blows his whistle and signals Caldara (Atalanta) to Gabbiadini.
The ball goes out and Bereszynski (Sampdoria) takes the throw.
There's a substitution: de Roon replaces Djimsiti (Atalanta).
Linetty (Sampdoria) commits a foul on Ilicic.
Shot with the left foot of Toloi (Atalanta) who fails to go between the three poles.
Gómez (Atalanta) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Gómez (Atalanta) takes a corner from the right.
Atalanta tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Gómez centers from the left wing.
Ball to the area of Gómez (Atalanta).
Atalanta tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Hateboer centers from the left wing.
The referee whistles for a Linetty (Sampdoria) infraction to Caldara.
Gabbiadini shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper darts to the right for the ball.
Throw in by Bereszynski (Sampdoria), who puts the ball in play.
Audero (Sampdoria) starts the play with a goal kick.
Toloi attempts a shot with the right foot, but the ball flies over the crossbar.
Hateboer (Atalanta) takes the throw.
Hateboer (Atalanta) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
Foul by Yoshida (Sampdoria) to Zapata.
Gómez has been fouled by Ekdal (Sampdoria). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The referee marks the beginning of this period.
The referee ends this period of the match.
The referee whistles for a Yoshida (Sampdoria) infringement to Freuler.
Ball into Gabbiadini's (Sampdoria) area.
Gabbiadini (Sampdoria) takes a corner kick from the right.
Audero (Sampdoria) takes a goal kick.
Up! Pasalic's (Atalanta) header cannot find its destination. It ends above the right corner of the goal.
Ball to the area of Gómez (Atalanta).
Gómez (Atalanta) takes a corner from the right.
Nice shot from Hateboer (Atalanta)! Launch with the right leg. Well run.
Audero (Sampdoria) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.
Ilicic volleys with his right foot, but the ball goes high and wide to the right.
Gollini (Atalanta) goal kick that gets the ball moving again.
Depaoli (Sampdoria) shoots at goal with the right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes off target.
Hateboer (Atalanta) takes the throw.
Zapata shoots low a ball that is directed to the goal and that the goalkeeper easily stops.
Hateboer (Atalanta) takes the throw.
Sampdoria tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Gabbiadini centers from the left wing.
Gabbiadini (Sampdoria) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Gabbiadini (Sampdoria) takes a corner kick from the right.
Gabbiadini (Sampdoria) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Gabbiadini (Sampdoria) takes a corner kick from the right.
Linetty (Sampdoria) shoots at goal with the right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes off target.
The referee decides to caution Thorsby (Sampdoria).
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Thorsby (Sampdoria) to Gómez.
Atalanta tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Hateboer centers from the left wing.
Cross into the box: Depaoli (Sampdoria) is the scorer from the left.
Sampdoria attacks from the right wing: Gabbiadini puts the ball.
Gabbiadini (Sampdoria) takes a corner from the left.
Cross into the Jankto (Sampdoria) area.
Game on with a goal kick by Gollini (Atalanta).
Depaoli (Sampdoria) attempts a shot with the right foot, but the ball flies high and to the left.
Ball to Gabbiadini's (Sampdoria) area from the right.
Gabbiadini (Sampdoria) takes a corner from the left.
Gabbiadini shoots with the left foot, but the goalkeeper goes for the ball although it was over the crossbar.
Cross into the box: Hateboer (Atalanta) is the scorer from the left.
Atalanta attacks from the right wing: Gómez puts the ball.
Zapata shoots low a ball that is directed to the goal and that the goalkeeper stops down to the right.
Throw in by Murru (Sampdoria), who puts the ball in play.
Throw-in by Murru (Sampdoria).
Linetty (Sampdoria) commits a foul on Pasalic.
Freuler has been fouled by Linetty (Sampdoria). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Atalanta attacks from the right wing: Ilicic puts the ball.
Ilicic (Atalanta) takes a corner from the left.
Throw-in by Gómez (Atalanta), who puts the ball into play.
Gollini (Atalanta) starts the play with a goal kick.
Yoshida (Sampdoria) shoots with the right foot, but the ball flies high and to the right.
Ball to Bereszynski's (Sampdoria) area.
Bereszynski (Sampdoria) takes the throw.
Sampdoria tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Gabbiadini centers from the left wing.
Cross into the box: Linetty (Sampdoria) takes the ball from the left.
Djimsiti (Atalanta) is shown a yellow card.
Bereszynski has been fouled by Djimsiti (Atalanta). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Lack! Caldara (Atalanta) commits a foul on Gabbiadini.
Game on with a goal kick by Gollini (Atalanta).
Gabbiadini (Sampdoria) tries a volley with his left foot, but the ball goes high up the left.
The referee blows his whistle: Freuler (Atalanta) fouls Linetty.
Freuler (Atalanta) throw-in.
Freuler (Atalanta) puts in a cross.
Throw in by Gosens (Atalanta), who puts the ball in play.
Hateboer (Atalanta) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
The referee blows his whistle: Depaoli (Sampdoria) fouls Gosens.
Throw-in by Murru (Sampdoria).
Gabbiadini (Sampdoria) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Gabbiadini (Sampdoria) takes a corner kick from the right.
Sampdoria tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Gabbiadini centers from the left wing.
Linetty (Sampdoria) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Cross into the box: Linetty (Sampdoria) takes the ball from the left.
Linetty (Sampdoria) has a chance to score, but his left-footed shot goes wide.
Toloi shoots low a ball that is aimed at the goal and that the goalkeeper easily stops.
Throw in by Hateboer (Atalanta), who puts the ball in play.
Throw in by Hateboer (Atalanta), who puts the ball in play.
Audero (Sampdoria) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.
Gosens (Atalanta) delivers a cross.
Ball to Hateboer's area (Atalanta).
Audero (Sampdoria) starts the play with a goal kick.
Cross into the box: Toloi (Atalanta) is the scorer from the left.
Audero (Sampdoria) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.
Depaoli (Sampdoria) commits a foul on Gollini.
Lack! Gómez (Atalanta) commits a foul on Gabbiadini.
The ball flies into the area after the corner kick by Ilicic (Atalanta) from the left …
Throw-in by Murru (Sampdoria).
The referee blows his whistle: Hateboer (Atalanta) fouls Jankto.
Gosens (Atalanta) delivers a cross.
Hateboer (Atalanta) throw-in.
The referee blows his whistle: Jankto (Sampdoria) fouls Hateboer.
Ilicic (Atalanta) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
Game on with a goal kick by Gollini (Atalanta).
Bereszynski (Sampdoria) takes the throw.
Sampdoria attempts to create danger to the opposite goal: Bereszynski centers from the left wing.
Thorsby (Sampdoria) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Bereszynski (Sampdoria).
Foul by Caldara (Atalanta) to Gabbiadini.
Throw in by Bereszynski (Sampdoria), who puts the ball in play.
Game on with a goal kick by Gollini (Atalanta).
Sampdoria tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Gabbiadini centers from the left wing.
The referee blows his whistle and signals Linetty (Sampdoria) to Ilicic.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a lack of Yoshida (Sampdoria) to Zapata.
The ball goes out and Bereszynski (Sampdoria) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Bereszynski (Sampdoria).
Gosens (Atalanta) takes the throw.
Shot with the left foot of Murru (Sampdoria) who fails to go between the three poles.
The ball goes out and Djimsiti (Atalanta) takes a throw-in.
The ball goes out and Hateboer (Atalanta) takes the throw.
The ball is already rolling on the grass!
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