Categories: General Sports News

Antonio Tejado’s morning shopping after getting out of prison: luxury watches and good company

Faced with great media expectation. This is how the ex left this Monday Chayo Mohedano the Sevilla I prison, where he had been provisionally held since February for his alleged involvement in the robbery of his aunt’s home. Maria del Monte e Immaculate Casal. The magistrate agreed to the release without bail of 100,000 euros but with precautionary measures, such as the withdrawal of the passport, a restraining order of 500 meters from the victims and the obligation to appear in court every 15 days. Tejado celebrated his freedom on Monday with a long family meal in a restaurant and this Tuesday he enjoyed a morning of shopping with his girlfriend in a department store.

The objects in which the accused has been interested are striking: “It is a very famous shopping center that is throughout our country, it is very close to Antonio Tejado’s mother’s house and, after going to the courts, he has gone and bought watches”Enrique Ulzurrum has revealed in TardeAR. The reporter has assured that “a member of the staff of this shopping center” has seen Antonio Tejado trying on several watches: “He has taken photos, he has been interested in some of them and, in the end, we don’t know if he has opted for one or the other”added Ulzurrum, who also revealed that he was accompanied by his mother and his girlfriend Samara.

Who has also spoken from the Telecinco afternoon program, has been Fernando VelaAntonio Tejado’s lawyer, who has pointed out that they asked for freedom on “two occasions”: “One was an appeal for reform and the second the judge ordered it and without bail,” added Vela, who has also assured that They learned the news of his release “that same morning.”

The lawyer of the artist’s nephew has indicated that Tejado “He is not going to try to communicate with María del Monte”: “Communication through third parties is also prohibited in these cases and could result in a breach of sentence. Antonio has been warned of all these terms, he knows what his limitations are and what his possibilities are in this new normal. “It is not among his plans to communicate with his aunt or the rest of the victims.”he pointed out.

Regarding Tejado’s involvement in the robbery of Inmaculada Casal’s home last summer, the lawyer has assured that “Antonio continues to maintain his innocence”. Furthermore, he has explained that the nephew of the tonadillera will continue to remain silent before the media: “He does not want to make any type of statement, he wants judicial activity to develop normally. Therefore, it was born of him not to make statements, we know where we should say what is appropriate, which is in court. He wants to resume his life normally and for everything to go little by little, as far as possible, returning to what it was before,” he stated.

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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