The match has come to an end. As the teams leave for the changing rooms, we say goodbye, encouraging you to stay connected to our page to experience the latest in sports.
The referee ends this period of the game.
Neymar (Paris Saint-Germain) is shown a yellow card.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Neymar (Paris Saint-Germain) on Thomas.
Angers SCO tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Manceau centers from the left wing.
Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Thomas (Angers SCO) to Icardi.
Coulibaly (Angers SCO) commits a foul on Verratti.
The referee shows the yellow card to Verratti.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Kimpembe (Paris Saint-Germain) on Bahoken.
Navas (Paris Saint-Germain) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.
Lack! Herrera (Paris Saint-Germain) has fouled Fulgini.
The game is underway with a goal kick from Navas (Paris Saint-Germain).
Change in Paris Saint-Germain: Kimpembe leaves and Kurzawa enters his place.
Change in the ranks of Angers SCO: Melali replaces Amadou.
Fulgini (Angers SCO) tried to shoot at goal, but failed to get the ball between the three posts.
Amadou (Angers SCO) heads high between the three posts, but the goalkeeper seizes the ball after jumping to cover the crossbar.
Ball into the area of Fulgini (Angers SCO).
Fulgini (Angers SCO) takes a corner from the right.
Angers SCO tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Fulgini centers from the left wing.
Angers SCO tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Fulgini centers from the left wing.
The ball flies into the box after a corner kick by Neymar (Paris Saint-Germain) from the left …
Amadou (Angers SCO) commits a foul on Verratti.
Throw-in by Neymar (Paris Saint-Germain), who puts the ball into play.
Throw-in by Doumbia (Angers SCO), who puts the ball into play.
Change in Paris Saint-Germain: Herrera leaves and Di Maria enters.
There is a substitution: Pablo Sarabia replaces Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain).
Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Lack! Kurzawa (Paris Saint-Germain) has committed a foul on Thioub.
Throw-in by Manceau (Angers SCO).
Change in the ranks of Angers SCO: Thioub replaces Capelle.
There is a substitution: Cabot replaces Pereira Lage (Angers SCO).
Center to the area: Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain) is the one who takes the ball from the left.
The ball goes out and Manceau (Angers SCO) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Manceau (Angers SCO), who puts the ball into play.
Angers SCO tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Manceau centers from the left wing.
Kurzawa's goal (Paris Saint-Germain)! He successfully hooked it to the flight and places it down to the left, overcoming any opposition.
What an occasion !!! Kurzawa (Paris Saint-Germain) tries it with his left leg between the three sticks.
Paris Saint-Germain tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Florenzi centers from the left wing.
There is a substitution: Icardi replaces Kean (Paris Saint-Germain).
The ball goes out and Kurzawa (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
Paris Saint-Germain tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Neymar centers from the left wing.
Bahoken (Angers SCO) commits a foul on Marquinhos.
Fulgini wins a free kick from Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Ball into the area of Fulgini (Angers SCO) from the right.
Fulgini wins a free kick from Neymar (Paris Saint-Germain). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Cross to the Fulgini area (Angers SCO).
Fulgini (Angers SCO) takes a corner from the left.
Whoops! Bahoken (Angers SCO) shoots with the right. The ball goes out of goal.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Kurzawa (Paris Saint-Germain) on Pereira Lage.
Center to the Neymar area (Paris Saint-Germain).
Bernardoni (Angers SCO) shot the ball back into motion.
Bahoken (Angers SCO) is whistled offside.
There is a substitution: Bahoken replaces Diony (Angers SCO).
Diony wins a free kick from Verratti (Paris Saint-Germain). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Diallo (Paris Saint-Germain) to Bernardoni.
Paris Saint-Germain tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Di Maria centers from the left wing.
Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain) throws a closed corner from the right.
What an occasion !!! Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain) tries it with his left leg between the three sticks.
Manceau (Angers SCO) takes the throw.
Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain) shoots from the right corner.
Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain) throws a closed corner from the right.
Mbappé shoots low with his left leg between the three sticks, but the goalkeeper takes the ball with ease.
Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
Shot between the three sticks of Diony (Angers SCO). It is with his head and brushing the grass, but the goalkeeper manages to stop him in the lower half of his goal.
Ball to the area of Manceau (Angers SCO).
Pereira Lage (Angers SCO) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Pereira Lage (Angers SCO) takes a corner from the right.
Pereira Lage (Angers SCO) tried to shoot on goal, but failed to get the ball between the three posts.
Navas (Paris Saint-Germain) starts the play with a goal kick.
No gunpowder! The ball is lost beyond the goal after Diony (Angers SCO) manages to head it.
Angers SCO tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Capelle crosses from the left wing.
Bernardoni (Angers SCO) starts the play with a goal kick.
Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain) has a chance to score, but his left foot shot goes wide.
The referee whistles for Diony (Angers SCO). The ball is put back into motion with a pass.
Throw-in by Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain), who puts the ball into play.
The ball is already rolling on the grass!
End of this period of the match.
Kurzawa (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Verratti (Paris Saint-Germain), who puts the ball into play.
Bernardoni (Angers SCO) starts the play with a goal kick.
Outside! Kean (Paris Saint-Germain) tried but his header missed high to the left of the frame.
Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Navas (Paris Saint-Germain) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.
Verratti wins a free kick from Diony (Angers SCO). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Bernardoni (Angers SCO) takes a goal kick.
Outside! Shot with the right leg of Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.
Lack! Coulibaly (Angers SCO) has fouled Neymar.
Angers SCO tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Manceau centers from the left wing.
Fulgini (Angers SCO) takes a corner from the right side.
Ball into the box by Amadou (Angers SCO) from the right.
Angers SCO tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Fulgini centers from the left wing.
Diony shoots low with his left leg between the three sticks, but the goalkeeper takes the ball with ease.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain) to Doumbia.
The ball goes out and Doumbia (Angers SCO) takes the throw.
Bernardoni (Angers SCO) takes a goal kick.
The ball goes out and Manceau (Angers SCO) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Kurzawa (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Kurzawa (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Kurzawa (Paris Saint-Germain).
The referee whistles a violation of Pereira Lage (Angers SCO) to Florenzi.
Bernardoni (Angers SCO) starts the play with a goal kick.
Dangerous launch! Paredes (Paris Saint-Germain) opts to shoot directly at goal, but the play ends outside the three suits.
Dangerous launch! Paredes (Paris Saint-Germain) opts to shoot directly at goal, but the play ends outside the three suits.
Di Maria wins a free kick from Pereira Lage (Angers SCO). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Throw-in by Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain), who puts the ball into play.
Paris Saint-Germain attacks from the right wing: Neymar puts the ball in.
Corner shot from the left sector. It is executed by Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain)
Paris Saint-Germain tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Di Maria centers from the left wing.
Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain) throws a closed corner from the right.
Paris Saint-Germain tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Di Maria centers from the left wing.
Center to the area: Neymar (Paris Saint-Germain) is the one who hits the ball from the left.
Paredes (Paris Saint-Germain) tries a low shot with his right leg, but it goes far from the right post.
Neymar (Paris Saint-Germain) takes a corner from the left.
Neymar (Paris Saint-Germain) has a chance to score, but his left foot shot goes wide.
Navas (Paris Saint-Germain) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.
Manceau tries a low shot with his right leg, but it goes far from the right post.
Fulgini (Angers SCO) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
The referee takes a direct free kick for a foul by Verratti (Paris Saint-Germain) to Doumbia.
Kean (Paris Saint-Germain) is whistled offside.
Bernardoni (Angers SCO) shot the ball back into motion.
Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain) tries a volley shot with his right foot, but the ball goes high and wide to the left.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Diony (Angers SCO) on Verratti.
Capelle (Angers SCO) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Bernardoni (Angers SCO) shot the ball back into motion.
Throw-in by Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain).
Lack! Coulibaly (Angers SCO) has fouled Neymar.
Manceau (Angers SCO) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
The referee blows his whistle: Paredes (Paris Saint-Germain) foul on Fulgini.
Cross: Capelle (Angers SCO) takes the ball from the left.
Throw-in by Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain), who puts the ball into play.
Doumbia (Angers SCO) takes the throw.
Lack! Kean (Paris Saint-Germain) has committed a foul on Pereira Lage.
Bernardoni (Angers SCO) takes a goal kick.
Verratti (Paris Saint-Germain) will have to keep trying his luck if he wants to add some to his personal locker. He tried it with a shot with his left foot.
Neymar (Paris Saint-Germain) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Kurzawa (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Doumbia (Angers SCO), who puts the ball into play.
Bernardoni (Angers SCO) starts the play with a goal kick.
Capelle (Angers SCO) has a chance to score, but his left foot shot goes wide.
Navas's (Paris Saint-Germain) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.
High header by Pereira Lage (Angers SCO). The ball is lost over the frame, on the left side.
Angers SCO attacks from the right wing: Doumbia puts the ball in.
Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain) miscalculates his career and is caught offside.
The game is underway with a goal kick from Navas (Paris Saint-Germain).
Angers SCO attacks from the right wing: Fulgini puts the ball in.
The ball goes out and Kurzawa (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
Cross: Fulgini (Angers SCO) takes the ball from the left.
Fulgini (Angers SCO) takes a corner from the right.
Capelle shoots with his left foot, but the goalkeeper lunges for the ball even though he went over the crossbar.
The ball goes out and Doumbia (Angers SCO) takes the throw.
The ball is already rolling on the grass!
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