Ana Obregon He broke his long silence this Thursday in And now Sonsoles, a program where, far from clarifying the doubts surrounding donations to the Aless Lequio Foundation, she pointed out the programs that “attack” her to “increase the audience and have their golden minute.” In half an hour of interview, the actress limited herself to saying that “the explanations” were “given”, but did not explain why, on different occasions (it is recorded on her own social networks) she has reported that all of the funds of her exclusive and from the book The Shrew Boy They would go to the entity. In his conversation with Sonsoles Ónega he explained that the money from his first exclusive did not go directly to the foundation because he had to declare a portion to the Treasury, something that was questioned this Thursday in Public mirror.
“In December 2020 I did an exclusive on Hola, where I said I would use the money to create my son's foundation. From what they paid me, I paid the Treasury and what was left was in my account waiting to create the foundation. The foundation will not be established until 2021,” said the biologist. For this reason, Gema López has shared a conversation with Luis Pliego, director of the magazine Lecturas, who has told her about the true path that donations take when they come from an exclusive.
“Luis Pliego writes to me and tells me: 'When money from an exclusive is donated, it goes directly to the foundation. The character does not have to pay the Treasury. We magazines prefer it this way because we deduct 25 percent of the amount.' “As Ana asks us to be rigorous, what I try to do is be rigorous, Ana,” the journalist expressed, referring to the interpreter's attacks on those who, according to her, are not informed enough.
For her part, Pilar Vidal has joined her partner in criticizing Obregón's statements, which “He is at a time when it is better for him not to speak.” The journalist has assessed that the interview she offered to Antena 3 did not resolve any doubts. “It was of no use to me. I think she is no longer there to give yesterday's speech. I think she has to offer certain data for the transparency of her foundation,” she added. And, according to the biologist, Ónega “has the invoices for the donations”, something that remained in words, since the program did not demonstrate that this was true.
Obregón's rejection of those who, according to her, seek fame, came after Alessandro Lequio assessed, on Telecinco, that she had not “delivered” and was “dirtying her son's legacy.” Therefore, the presenter of Aruser@s and his collaborators came out this Friday in defense of the Italian count. “To say that Lequio said what he said was to have a larger audience is hardly credible,” Arús has advanced.
“Lequio's criticism of Ana Obregón is based on specific facts, which will later be seen if they are true or not, but I think that Ana Obregón's case is poorly supported,” Arús has advanced, stating that “Lequio has a very well-earned place in its program, “He does not need, because he has not done so, to enter into those types of circumstances because he has remained on the sidelines for many months.”
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