Categories: Football

An Atlético without a goal cannot with Lokomotiv and gets into a mess

The day began with the bad news of the illness (which is no longer an injury) of Diego Costa. And it continued with the passing of Diego Armando Maradona, legend of world football and who was a partner of another Diego, Simeone, and his assistant Nelson alive, anguished in the minute of silence with which the night began in the Metropolitan. Heartfelt tribute, without an audience. But as always in life, and more so in football, the show had to continue. And the Athletic he played it before him Lokomotiv. He must win. Yes or yes. Despite the seven casualties. Despite having to play without '9'.

Atlético came out with great decision, who had already touched the goal twice in minute 3. One with Joao, which finished off a good service from Llorente and another, with Carrasco, who picked up the reject to shoot crossed. The intentions of the rojiblancos were clear. Go on the fast track to the Lokomotiv. Correa tried later and right after, Llorente, with a great launch against which he excelled Guilherme. Everything before the quarter of an hour.

Atlético accumulated chances, but the goal did not arrive. It already happened to him in Moscow not many days ago. The rojiblanco box tried to open the field to Trippier, Lodi, Carrasco and Llorente, with belt Y Joao testing inside. The Russians, sheltered, tried to close spaces. They put the train, living up to its name, instead of the bus. In attack they did not appear. They just wanted nothing to happen and play for the clock.

Koke he pressed high, hard, sending signals to his teammates. The mattresses insisted. Unsuccessfully. It was a matter of adjusting the sight glass. But while it did not happen … Atlético added chances. Joao, Carrasco, Llorente… And always appeared Guilherme, that in those it was already the best of the night. Yes, as in Moscow. And that ended in a draw.

It took 36 minutes to see Lokomotiv set foot in the area for the first time. Oblak. He ended up in a corner, and was born by a slip of I gave it. Without consequences. The rain was getting worse at the Metropolitano. And Atlético had dropped a gear, despite the fact that they continued to insist. This is how the break was reached, with eleven local shots (three on goal) for zero by the visitors, six corners to one, greater possession … but 0-0. Only the goal was missing. 'Only', rather.


Patience and insistence. It was the recipe for the second half. Surprisingly, the Lokomotiv leaped more daring. And Atlético was not the one in the first half. Simeone did not see it clearly. And he moved the bench. They entered Lemar Y Beautiful through Llorente (from more to less) and Lodi. Cholo wanted to open the field, with a 3-5-2, as against Barça, with Carrasco Y Trippier like long lanes.

As if that were not enough, the VAR annulled an Atlético goal for offside by Koke. There was no way to open the scoreboard. In the first part for the aim and Guilherme. And in the second, because there were no occasions and the physique had gone down in the mattresses. Legs were missing. And a reference above was greatly missed. Also saw it Simeone, which pulled Sergio Camello in the 80 '. No news from Saponjic. The youth squad tried a Vaseline as soon as he left, and Lokomotiv scared in a corner in favor of Atlético. Moments of great tension. And nerves.

There was no plan, beyond continuing to insist. Sixteenth corner in favor. Gimenez touched the goal with a header. The first dangerous corner kick. Discount. Four minutes. As if they had given 30. Atlético's Lokomotiv, going from more to less. He was able to thrash in the first 30 minutes, and then he could go 300 more without seeing the door. Things get complicated. A lot. The rojiblancos depend on themselves, but they will have to sweat blood to be in the second round.

Oblak; Trippier, Savic, Giménez, Lodi (Beautiful 60 '); Llorente (Lemar 60 '), Koke, Saúl, Carrasco (Sergio Camello 80'); Correa and Joao Félix.

Guilherme; Zhivoglyanov, Corluka, Murilo, Rybus; Krychowiak; Ignatyev, Kulikov, Kamano (Rybchinskii 76 '), Anton Miranchuk (Magkeev 76'); and Zé Luis.

Goals: There was not.

Referee: Slavko Vincic (Slovenia).

Field: Metropolitan. No audience.

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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