Categories: Sports

Aitana Bonmatí, elected UEFA Player of the Year


The Spanish Aitana Bonmatí, FC Barcelona midfielder, has been chosen this Thursday as UEFA Player of the Year, by virtue of a gala held at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco, having prevailed in the final vote over the also Spanish Olga Carmona and the Australian Sam Kerr.

Bonmatí, brand new world champion with the Spanish team in Sydney (Australia), also won the 2022/23 Women’s Champions League and was chosen MVP of both tournaments. In addition, to these achievements she added the F League and Spanish Super Cup titles, with her indisputable leading role in an overwhelming FC Barcelona.

At 25, Bonmatí shows the highest level of his sporting career, being decisive at Barça and in the Spanish team. This course, despite being a midfielder, he has scored 21 goals and has given 23 assists. These are numbers that show his offensive capacity, something that makes her different from the rest of the competitors who play in his position.

On the way to winning the Champions League, she was the one who distributed the most assists (7), the one who participated in the most goals (12) and the one who generated the most chances (32) in the competition. As the icing on the cake, Bonmatí has ​​given shine to the ‘6’ of Spain with her formidable World Cup, scoring three goals and distributing two assists in the winning team.

George Williams

George is a football fanatic, and he himself is a good football player. He does cover Football news from around the world, and share on Sportsfinding. He makes sure that the news content he creates are factually correct, and written in good English to meet the readers’ expectations.

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