Categories: Football

Aaron is sincere in AS: “I feel illusion … and fear”

Excited to play again?
Very excited. The chip changed just from the moment we were told we were going to play again. Until then everything was more negative, but the government chose to make that decision in favor of professional football and we are delighted. Right now we are at the hotel focused and eager for the weekend to arrive.

How is the team living the government-imposed quarantine of a week?
It is something very different from what we were used to before the outbreak. But extreme situations require extreme measures. It seems good to me to have to spend a week in a hotel in order to prevent all kinds of contacts with the outside world, to be safer and to be able to play on the weekend.

What do you do in the free hours?
What is clear is that we are not going to get bored. I, for my part, have brought everything. Cards, the Play, the laptop, but what I use the most is the Play. I can speak on behalf of the entire team. (laughs)

To what extent will playing behind closed doors play a role?
Soccer is not the same without fans in the stands. They are part of this sport and it will be difficult to play in the empty stadiums without feeling their breath from the stands. We have no choice but to adapt to these circumstances in the best possible way and focus on victory. In this way we will also compensate them now that they cannot go to the field.

How is the physical and emotional team after two months without competing?
Now we have something better, but in the end we are talking about practically two months without playing and that is something that shows. What we are experiencing now is like a kind of second preseason, but this is like everything; At the beginning it will cost us a little, but little by little we will pick up the rhythm and we will be ready.

Manuel Neuer said that the Bundesliga had an added responsibility for Europe as the other leagues would look to the German competition as the first of the big five to return. Do you agree
I am with him. If the government has allowed the league to resume, it is because they have adequate measures to do so. That we are the first major league in Europe to return after the break is proof that things are going well in Germany, both politically and health-wise. At the same time, it carries a great responsibility for us, the players, it is clear.

How did you receive the news from Chancellor Angela Merkel?
I was at home with my mother and they called me on my mobile, telling me that on the 17th the league was resumed. I was excited, but it was also strange considering how things were and are in Italy or Spain. Strange that we can start so soon.

In Mainz, were you all in favor of the return of football?
Let's see, the risk is still there. And it is clear that we are also afraid. We are in the midst of a global pandemic. It is something that creates fear. But if they have made the decision that they can play again, it is because the measures are adequate and minimize the risk of infection. We are with those who made the decision. That it is played, in the end, is the best for everyone.

Should the player's voice and opinion have been more taken into account?
The truth is that I did miss a bit asking us for an opinion, but finally I accept the situation and we are moving forward.

Can illusion cope with fear?
Definitely. Reattaching your boots, jumping onto the grass and doing what you like best with your team was something we were missing. Likewise, I understand that not everyone is of the same opinion.

According to a survey, 50 percent of the population was against the resumption.
I understand them. Everyone has their right to express their opinion and think what they want.

Can the Bundesliga model serve as an example for other countries?
I do not know if we are an example, what I do believe is that things have been done much better here and that is being seen. The Bundesliga is about to start and the other major leagues still have no return date.

The guidelines are strict. It will be weird not being able to hug a partner when he dials, right?
Well, I don't know what will happen. We are aware of everything and I hope that with euphoria we will not forget things. We will see. For the rest, we are quite saturated with information.

And tests.
Yes, there are two per week. Always with caution and following the rules. That the entire team test negative week after week is a joy and proof that we are doing well in Mainz.

Have your former teammates from Espanyol contacted you?
Yes, many write to me and it is relieving to know that they are also doing well. I talk to Marc Roca a lot. I guess they will see me on Sunday. They and many more since we are the only ones who are going to play this weekend.

Mainz is fifteenth, four points behind the promotion and eight points down. You cannot sleep.
It is clear. We have nine important games to play. It will be key to start with a victory on Sunday in Cologne that will give us peace of mind ahead of qualifying. Right now it is essential to have your head in place and, above all, focused on football. We cannot stop to think about everything that is happening outside the stadium. It's pretty hard not to, but that's what it is. Those teams, which are better prepared mentally, will be the ones to take the matches.

What will be the first thing you will do when all this is over?
See all my people in Spain. And, first of all, I want to see you well. It is what I want most.

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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