Categories: Football

A 10 for Unai Simón's personality

10. Unai Simón's personality

If the other day you mentioned players who have vindicated themselves, such as Busquets, or the leadership of Luis Enrique, now we must recognize the courage and personality of Unai Simón. One of the great debates was that of the goal, further agitated by his failure against Croatia, but Unai has been an example of how to correct and overcome adversity. Little by little everything is giving reason to the decisions that Luis Enrique has been making. His call was criticized and also the line-up of some footballers. Everyone is responding wonderfully.

9. Schick, a modest scorer with great merit

Patrik Schick symbolizes the role that the most modest teams have played in this European Championship. In a tournament with figures like Lewandowski, Kane, Cristiano Ronaldo, Kane, Mbappé, Benzema … it has a lot of merit that a footballer from the Czech Republic is at the top of the scorers' table alongside CR7, both with five, although the Portuguese has scored three penalties. They should give the 'Golden Boot' to the Czech.

5. Müller's gaffe and Gary Lineker's 'rectification'.

It is surprising that Thomas Müller, one of the top scorers in the history of the World Cups, continues to resist scoring in a European Championship, a tournament that, on the other hand, has provoked a curious reaction from Gary Lineker. He once coined the famous phrase “football is a sport where they play 11 against 11 and Germany always wins”. The other day he said that it is time to forget that statement.

2. The quarantine of England is discriminatory.

It is not understood that a European Championship is held in “a thousand” venues and that the semifinals are played in a country that forces fans to pass a quarantine. In addition, it is discriminatory, because footballers and some VIPS are exempt. Either all or none. They should have considered that circumstance and have considered moving those parties to a venue that did not put such obstacles.

0. A shame Spinazzola's injury, one of the revelations.

It's a shame Leonardo Spinazzola's serious injury. It has been one of the revelations of this European Championship. He is a winger machine, a player on the top list in an Italy that is surprisingly half with spectacular football with many carats. Six months off is a hard blow for the kid and for his team. Playing so many games means that the great losers are the footballers.

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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