He Real Betis has made public this Monday in the note in which it informs that 78% of the capacity for the next general meeting of shareholders of next December 21, to which a maximum of 275 shareholders may attend due to the special Anti Covid measures decreed by the Board of Andalusia, with which it is negotiated so that it can allow greater assistance.
The Verdiblanco club recommends that shareholders delegate their actions to others “in order to avoid exceeding the capacity -an extreme that would prevent the holding of the meeting- and guaranteeing the safety and health of all participants.”
The shareholders' meeting will begin at 4:00 p.m. next Monday, December 21, “with the firm intention that it conclude at 8:00 p.m. maximum,” the note says.
“To access the meeting it will be necessary to take the temperature of all attendees, enabling a mechanism for the transfer of representation‘ in situ ’for shareholders who do not pass said control,” the statement said.
The previous details of the Shareholders' Meeting
This is the public note issued this Monday by Real Betis:
Next Monday, December 21, the general meeting of shareholders of Real Betis Balompié will be held at the Palacio de los Deportes in San Pablo. The Club's board of directors is making every effort to ensure that the appointment of the entity's main decision-making body is carried out with all the guarantees, strictly complying with the regulations that regulate coexistence during the pandemic, guaranteeing the safety and health of our shareholders and effectively developing the items on the agenda indicated in the call.
The regional regulations today restrict 300 people who can participate in an event of these characteristics in a closed area. The Club has made an effort to reduce to a minimum the necessary personnel to carry out the development of the meeting: accreditation, security, systems and information technology personnel, hostesses and notary's office, being necessary the presence of 25 people. In this way, there would be capacity for 275 shareholders, a much smaller number than the number who attend the general meeting each year.
Today there are 210 accredited shareholders. Together with the 25 people needed to develop the meeting, 78% of the capacity would be complete.
With absolute respect for the will of each of the shareholders, the Club recommends delegating the representation to other shareholders in order to avoid exceeding the capacity -an extreme that would prevent the holding of the meeting- and guaranteeing the safety and health of all participants.
However, Real Betis is trying to expand this capacity with the Junta de Andalucía, always respecting the health measures set by the authorities. The evolution of the regulations in the coming days could also modify these initially marked conditions.
Along with the capacity limitations, it is also necessary to take into account the schedule limitations. The general meeting will begin at 4:00 p.m., with the firm intention that it conclude at 8:00 p.m. at the latest. In this way, it will be guaranteed that those shareholders who reside outside of Seville can return to their homes without breaching the curfew and that the time in which the shareholders remain in contact at the pavilion is not excessively extended.
To access the meeting, it will be necessary to take the temperature of all attendees, enabling a mechanism for the transfer of representation “in situ” for shareholders who do not pass said control.
Real Betis appreciates the understanding and collaboration of all shareholders to be able to hold its annual general meeting with the maximum guarantees, combining its effective conduct with the limitations set by the pandemic.