The keys to a season to forget

Málaga mathematically certified its continuity in the Second Division thanks to the fact that Real Sociedad B and Amorebieta lost their matches against Huesca and Cartagena respectively. The blue and white team was not able to do the job by itself and signed an infamous match against Burgos (0-1), who had nothing at stake. Almost 26,000 people tried to carry Malaga away. But not for those.

Salvation achieved, comes the time to clarify responsibilities, make self-criticism and start to remedy with a view to the next project. There are many decisions to be made so that a season as poor as the one that is about to end does not repeat itself. There have been many reasons that have led the blue and white team to this sporting deterioration that almost took the club ahead and ended with its bones in the First RFEF.

Shield/Flag Malaga

judicial administration

The departure of the sheikh from the management of the club more than two years ago and the entry into the scene of the judicial administrator brought wisdom and balance to the accounts, but José María Muñoz is not the owner or the president, nor is he a football man, and his scope for action is very limited to management and numbers. Although he would be entitled to make certain decisions if the court authorized him, he does not give the ideal profile to carry out the changes that the project demands in order to continue growing. The club needs its judicial situation to be resolved as soon as possible.


The level of the team has been well below expectations and the expectations that were generated in the first weeks. The template was worse than what was initially broadcast, but the truth is that a much higher performance was expected and not such a lousy season in which salvation was possible due to the demerit of the four relegated. The minimum objective in Second is 50 points and with 44 it would have been enough to continue one more year in the silver category (Málaga has 45). One of the cheapest saves in history.

To the lack of quality and performance of many players must be added the lack of commitment and a very unprofessional attitude in too many players for almost the entire course. The union of the locker room was not such, the atmosphere has not been good and the involvement of a large part of the squad has been conspicuous by its absence. It is necessary to put the scalpel thoroughly in an overvalued staff and lacking in leaders.


The big mole of planning for the season has been in the lead. Sekou, whose bet involved an investment of just over 700,000 euros, has been the great disappointment of the course. But not the only one. Other players like Antoñín or Paulino have not contributed practically anything. The same happens with Chavarría, a very risky bet given his age and the serious knee injury he was suffering, or Adrián López, who will end the season almost unprecedented. In defense there have also been too many shortcomings, especially in the center of the defense, with Peybernes as one of the great players, and on the left side, where neither Cufré nor Javi Jiménez have established themselves throughout the year. Only Febas, for whom the club has a purchase option of 350,000 euros, generates some hope for the future. Dani Martín has also won a lot of credit in the final stretch, but it remains to be seen what Betis thinks and how the sports management is going to plan the goal once the signing of Manolo Reina is made official.

Changes on the bench

José Alberto López took advantage of the squad during the first months of the season. The last victory at home, on November 20 against Las Palmas, placed the team seventh, one point away from the playoffs. But as a result of that, everything got worse and the locker room ended up devouring the Asturian, dismissed with 31 points in his locker. The decline since then has been unstoppable. Natxo González was not the right profile and his arrival was not noted for the good in any way. Neither in game, nor in results, nor in character. The latter improved with the arrival of Pablo Guede, who added four vital points in his first two games that, in the end, have been decisive. Then continuity and many other aspects have been lacking, but the victories against Leganés and Tenerife have been enough to reach the shore. Of course, in a very poor way and leaving a horrible taste in the mouth of the fans.


The physical problems suffered by some of the most important players in the squad have also played a relevant role in what has happened during the campaign. Luis Muñoz, one of the blue and white banners, suffered a serious knee injury and the team blamed him a lot. Another of the players with the best performance whenever he was available, Juande, has not stopped chaining muscle injuries from the end of 2021 to the present. Soccer players like Chavarría, Jozabed or the reviled Sekou have also suffered several physical mishaps that have conditioned them during the course.

the next project

As for the sporting future of Málaga, from the offices the continuity of Manolo Gaspar is taken for granted and it is stated that confidence in the sporting director has not diminished. The paleño has been working for months on the preparation of the 2022-23 squad, in which Guede wants to have a say. The coach has already lowered his thumb to a few players with a valid contract. Summer is presumed hot and very busy in La Rosaleda. The fans are tired of putting up with so much mediocrity and in the club there is no longer a surplus of credit in any department. The margin for errors in Martiricos is more than exhausted.

Another fundamental section with a view to the next exercise will be that of the fans. The stands are completely disenchanted, the influx has been greatly reduced during the course and a campaign of season ticket holders with hook and capable of generating enthusiasm will be essential to get Malaguismo hooked again. A very difficult but mandatory challenge for the project to have growth options. The club’s latest movements in terms of subscriber policy have not been very accurate and it is urgent to hit the social aspect as well.