Jeffrey Epstein blackmailed Bill Gates with spreading his affair with a young Russian woman

Jeffrey Epstein he was infamous, not only for being a pedophile, but also for being a book blackmailer. The Hollywood producer, who committed suicide in prison in 2019, came to threaten the creator of Microsoft, Bill Gateswith exposing to the public a supposed affair that the technological magnate would have had with a young Russian woman, Mila Antonovawhom he met playing bridge, one of his great hobbies.

The threat was written via email by Epstein, in which he required a large sum of money to alleviate the expenses of the education in the United States of the young Mila, with whom Gates would have had an affair since they met in a card game.

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It was in 2010 when Bill met Antonova playing in a bridge tournament, a game for couples similar to the Spanish mus. The young woman moved to California right after to work as a software engineer, according to what she has published. The Wall Street Journalafter having access to a report that reveals the blackmail committed by Epstein.

The young Antonova did acknowledge, in a report on the card game, that she knew and was a friend of Bill Gates, but not that she had an affair with the businessman, who at that time was still married to Melinda French Gates.

It was then that Mila also met Jeffrey Epstein. She was looking for sponsors to set up a bridge academy in the United States, and he wanted to score a bit by paying her way to the software coding school and providing her with an apartment to stay in New York City in November of 2014. Antonova has assured that she had no other relationship with Epstein.

Either you pay me or I’ll tell you

Years later, when the film producer had already been convicted of sexual crimes, he tried to get ahead by creating a charitable foundation financed by Bill Gates and JPMorgan, but both the businessman and the bank refused to set up anything with him.

It was after this rejection that the producer sent the email with the blackmail to Gates, in which he asked the billionaire to return all the money he had invested in the education of the young Mila Antonova. This email is the key for the report to determine that, although the Russian relationship with the tycoon had ended years ago, the deceased convicted of pedophilia was trying to blackmail the founder of Microsoft.

Bill Gates did not pay Epstein a single dollar and was freed from public accusation, although this was not the first time that he was accused of being unfaithful to his wife. His alleged relationship with Mila would be the second extramarital affair Gates is known to have had during the 27 years he was married to Melinda. In 2021, Bill acknowledged through a spokeswoman that he had had an affair of almost 20 years with another Microsoft employee, and that the relationship ended “amicably”, according to a spokesman for the mogul, just before Gates left the company. to focus on his philanthropy.

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This love story became known when the employee demanded changes in her job at Microsoft through an email, in which she also asked Melinda to read her letter revealing the affair. The company’s board investigated the issue in 2019, because there were already too many complaints and reports pointing out how Gates had asked several women out of the company and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, rather clumsily.

However, the billionaire gave up continuing in the company in time for more issues to come to light, until now he is related to the young Russian specialist in the well-known card game.