King Juan Carlos turned 87 on January 5 and blew out the candles again surrounded by family and thirty friends who traveled to Abu Dhabi. From there and through what is his main magazine and a report signed by his biographer Laurence Debray in Hello, He sends a message to his son: he regrets his absence and reiterates how alone he feels since he “expatriated”expression used by Debray.
The French writer writes: “The family arrives with the cake, which the King cuts with a sword, as tradition dictates. It is a dynamic, warm and united family. the one around him, who took the time to greet all the guests around the buffet. However, there is one great absentee, King Philip, whose absence his father silently regrets.“, they highlight inside the report. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía are also missing. Of course, Queen Sofía does not accompany her husband either.

“A historical photo to remember: Don Juan Carlos with his two daughters, the Infantas Elena and Cristina, and all their children, as well as the partners of some of them”. In the photo are Irene Urdangarin and Juan Urquijo, as well as Pablo with Johanna and Miguel with Olympia. Juan is missing, who currently lives in London with his boyfriend. Those who did accompany the king were his inseperables Victoria Federica and Froilán. To the latter, the emeritus gives shelter and influence in the capital of the Emirates. In the images of the party, the king’s thinness can be seen. Even thinner than in his last appearances.

On the other hand, what we see and read largely confirms what was already advanced in its day. Informalia: the 87th birthday of King Juan Carlos It doesn’t seem grotesque like the other one from a year ago that was also the cover of Hello with His Majesty cutting a cake and with the coat of arms of his House and other details. This time, as we already anticipated even before January 5, the celebration has been more endearing than ostentatious: a grandfather with his grandchildren and his daughters and a group of friends and loyalists, without Los Del Río, without the presence of any ex-lover , as was said, and in a magnificent hotel but not in his residence.
The writer friend of the king tells that the objective of the celebration was “to break the isolation in which the King has found himself since he rebuilt his life on a small island off Abu Dhabi”.
The biographer fervently highlights the king’s loneliness, the message that Felipe VI’s father insists on sending. since almost five years ago he went to Abu Dhabi for the news related to his fortune: “The party lasted until late into the night, although the King retired after midnight. It was a great evening to celebrate life and friendship, despite the setbacks of fate. For one weekend, Don Juan Carlos stopped being that retired man, separated from his roots and the affection of his people. His friends made Spain relive for him in the sand of the Gulf. Persian. Even 5,000 kilometers from his kingdom, he continues to carry Spain in his heart. No one can take that away from you.“.