Welcome from Lazio ultras to Pepe Reina

The followers ultras of Lazio, who have starred in numerous incidents of a fascist and racist tint in recent years, have welcomed with open arms Pepe
Queen, who has committed to the Roman side for the next two seasons.

And for this they have chosen the formula of hanging a large banner on one of the main roads of the Italian capital with a legend that some media, such as Il Messagero, describe as ‘sentence

Welcome banner to Pepe Reina hung by Lazio's ultras fans
Welcome banner to Pepe Reina hung by Lazio's ultras fans

“Greetings Romans, Comrade Reina!”, you could read on the banner, several meters long. He 'greeting
Roman'Is the name with which the greeting used by the most radical right is known, whose origin dates back to the Roman Empire and which was' reborn' under the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler and his acolytes, like Benito Mussolini in Italy itself. Also in Spain it was used during the dictatorship of Francisco Franco and later by the extreme right.

The appearance of the banner has been picked up by numerous transalpine media, which recall the sympathies expressed by the goalkeeper for Vox, a Spanish far-right party.