Victoria FedericaWith Genoveva Casonovahas become the star signing of the fifth season of The challenge, which will hit the small screen in the coming months. The recordings of the program have already begun at the facilities of 7 y Acción, the production company of Pablo Motos. In her first days in the celebrity challenge contest, the daughter of Infanta Elena and Jaime de Marichalar arrived in a black car, she being “the only person who did not walk in.” When getting out of the vehicle, Froilán’s sister came out with a blanket over her head. After this “ridiculous show” (this is how many television commentators called his behavior), it seems that ‘Vic’ has learned his lesson.
The influencer was seen this Friday leaving the studio, very smiling and driving her own car with a companion. However, Victoria Federica did not make any statements about how she is facing her contest on the Atresmedia program.

For its part, Genoveva Casanovaat the center of the media hurricane in recent months after his photos in Madrid with the now Danish king, also generated controversy for his arrival in the vicinity of The challenge.
The ex of Cayetano Martínez de Irujo arrived with a scarf over her head so as not to be photographed. “Who does this lady think she is? It’s all so ridiculous…”he opined Carmen Lomana in Public mirror. “Then he complains”, the socialite added angrily. “I see it as counterproductive to the maximum.“he also stated Susanna Griso about the scene. “But Genoveva, why does she do this show? As if she were a criminal…”said the photographer Raul Garciapresent at the moment.

Informalia The signing of Genoveva for the celebrity challenge program was announced for the first time. It is a highly anticipated reappearance taking into account the one that was set up due to her friendship with Federico Readings.