A new melon opens in the scenario of politicians and their families. In this new installment, the protagonist is the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez. His brother, the musician Daniel Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, known as David Azagra, has signed on as an advisor to the Teatro Real. A signing that occurred after the Ministry of Culture increased by seven million euros the annual contribution received by the Madrid opera coliseum, an institution directed by Gregorio Marañón y Beltrán de Lis. It is information of The debate.
David Azagra is also in charge of directing a music office financed with funds from the Badajoz Provincial Council, which is in the hands of the PSOE, according to the newspaper. A job that he does online from his home in Portugal.
Who is David Azagra?
Azagra, a surname he has adopted to go unnoticed, is a musician. As we published, he graduated in Economics and Business from the elitist University of Comillas (ICADE), whose classrooms Mariano Rajoy’s son has also attended.
After finishing his degree, he went to Russia to study music. And it didn’t go badly for him, because he left Chair of Musical Composition and Opera Conducting at the St. Petersburg State Conservatory with an honorary degree. His resume includes directing works such as Fidelio of Beethoven in Madrid, that of the prestigious Orchestra and Ballet of the Marrinsky Theater and that of the academy for young singers of the same theater, located in Saint Petersburg.
In addition to David, Antonio Muñoz Molina and Mario Vargas Llosa appear on the Teatro Real advisory board. As the newspaper has pointed out, the Executive contributed seven million more to the theater in 2023, which went from receiving just over 13 million to receiving 20. The highest contribution since Sánchez is in the Moncloa.