Maximum garden He returns to television next to his boss, Ana Rosa Quintana. The presenter has repeated the writer as the new collaborator of her program in the morning of Telecinco and will debut on Wednesday, February 5 in the ‘El Aperitas’ section, the last part of the Magacin where the Tertulians talk about any current issue, both politics , society or heart. Will be with Cristina Cifuentes, Alaska, Luis Pliego and Antonio Monteroamong other collaborators.
The return of Máximo Huerta to Telecinco is his reunion with Ana Rosa 10 years after leaving the program that gave her success. Remember that Quintana signed him in 2005 when he was a very little known presenter of news. In Ana Rosa’s programMaximum, although it was maxim, he got great popularity.

In 2015, Huerta left Telecinco and undertook a new stage focused on the world of literature. Three years later, in 2018, he was appointed Minister of Culture in the first government of Pedro Sánchez, a fleeting position in which he barely lasted a week because he resigned when the problems with the Treasury that had had in the past transcended.