The US protests again: takes the field with the shirt inside out

The SheBeleieves Cup was created by the players of the United States National Team to give more visibility to this sport and enhance women's rights. So they decided that it would always coincide with March 8, International Women's Day.

In this edition of the tournament hThe reproaches they have had for a few months towards their federation have been followed. The current champions fight for the equal rights of the men's team. They win it all, while they don't win and still receive more money for playing with the USA.

Last night, before the match against Japan began, The Americans jumped onto the field with the shirt upside down. The country's coat of arms was not visible, but clearly the four stars that accredits them as world champions. An image that went around the world.

The Rapinoe, Press, Heath and company team again triumphed on the pitch. He beat the nadeshiko 3-1 and they won the SheBelieves Cup title. One more award for this team that never tires of winning, and fighting for their rights.