Philip VI y Mrs. Letizia They went this Saturday to the La Paz Mortuary in Tres Cantos to attend the funeral of Fernando Gomez Acebowho died at the age of 49 this Friday night due to a respiratory problem.
Around 8:00 p.m., the Kings arrived at the funeral home sad and crestfallen. The monarch drove his own vehicle. With a sober gesture, the father of Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía has conveyed several messages of encouragement to Infanta Pilar’s older children. Queen Letizia has remained in the background.

The queen emeritus has arrived surrounded by her sister Irene of Greece. The Infanta Margaret and her husband, Carlos Zurita, have also attended to say their last goodbye to Infanta Pilar’s little son. For its part, the Infanta Elena He went to the funeral chapel at noon to accompany his cousins. The great absentee has been Don Juan Carloswho although he has not been able to travel to Spain, has been aware of the situation.

King Felipe VI already said goodbye to Fernando this Friday when his health problems worsened. As published this Saturday by the magazine Week, Infanta Cristina’s brother went to the Quirón University Hospital, located in the Madrid town of Pozuelo de Alarcón, to say goodbye to the businessman. Likewise, the monarch attended along with Queen Sofia and Infanta Margarita.
Affectionately nicknamed ‘Coco’, Fernando was the youngest son of Luis Gomez Acebo and Infanta Pilar, who died just four years ago from colon cancer. Discreet and very familiar, he was very close to his brothers: Simoneta, Juan, Bruno and Beltrán.