His son Edinho reveals that he has mobility problems, after a hip operation, and that he has been held at home to avoid exposure

Pel, in an image from last April.
Pel is going through a “certain depression” due to his health problems, according to his son Edinho in an interview published by the portal Balloon support. The Brazilian myth, 79, has mobility problems and only manages to walk with the help of a walker, so he feels “uncomfortable” and is being held at home so as not to be “exposed.”
“It's quite fragile. He underwent a hip transplant, but did not do the ideal rehabilitation and has that mobility problem that ends up generating a certain depression “, explained Edinho, who is currently the technical coordinator of the base categories of Santos.
“He is 'the King', he was always such an imposing figure and today he cannot get on well, he is very uncomfortable and ashamed of that,” added Edinho, who points out that, despite the age and mobility problems, Pel “is fine”.
In recent years, the health of the former Santos striker has been a cause for concern, after several surgical interventions in the spine and hip, as well as problems related to the urinary system. His last setback was in April last year, when he went through the operating room for the removal of a kidney stone that kept him hospitalized for several days. Pel has only one wheel since the 70's.
Pel's eldest son, who became a Santos goalkeeper, was authorized in 2018 by Brazilian justice to be transferred to the semi-open regime after being sentenced to more than 12 years of prison for money laundering and links with drug trafficking in 2005, and now he is dedicated to training young people in the team of the São Paulo port.
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