The former player’s last family decision has put his relationship with Clara Chiawith which he is about to fulfill his third anniversary. Pique37, has left Barcelona and crossed the ocean to settle in Miami, where he has rented an apartment that will be his home and that of his children in the coming months. The reason? Your ex, Shakirastarts a tour that will have it traveling around the planet until mid -2025 and Piqué has decided to take care of the care of Milan and Sasha The necessary time.
The former FC Barcelona soccer player begins a new stage, as they have revealed in the Sonsoles program. Thinking about the good of children, he has decided to sacrifice his life in the city so that they maintain stability in Miami, where they are schooling and develop their social life. Shakira has accepted the agreement after weeks of negotiations and Piqué, happy for this victory, has rented an apartment in Florida.
At the moment, Clara Chia remains in Barcelona and everything points that it will be, because the artist of Barranquilla does not allow her children to maintain contact with Dad’s girlfriend. Time will say if the couple is able to keep the flame in the distance. In recent years they have shown that theirs is a strong love and closed the mouths of all those who pointed out that their courtship was sentenced to failure. After their first and controversial beginnings, Piqué and Chia achieved the tranquility and stability they wanted and that is now out of time.
