One year in jail for Astori's doctor

Professor Giorgio Galanti, former director of sports medicine at the Careggi hospital in Florence, has been sentenced to one year in jail for the wrongful death of Davide Astori. The sentence came this morning after the prosecutor requested 18 months in prison on April 2. Galanti will also have to pay one million euros to the player's partner, Francesca Fioretti (present at the trial today) and her daughter Victoria.

According to the prosecution, Astori died on March 4, 2018 due to not having been diagnosed with an arrhythmogenic ventricular cardiomyopathy. The player, according to the investigations, would have passed the medical examinations despite “of arrhythmias that should lead doctors to perform more comprehensive examinations“If the pathology had been diagnosed in time, then Astori could have interrupted his career and saved himself.

Galanti's lawyer, Siegfried Fenyes, announced that resort to: “The sentence surprises me, in the trial documents I believe that Galanti's responsibility was never clear“The legal battle promises to drag on for a long time.