There are only three days left until the mayor of Madrid becomes a married man. At 48 years old, Martínez Almeida will say “yes, I want” to Teresa Urquijo in Madrid. The bride is already finalizing the final details of the wedding while he faces a complicated political agenda that has forced him to give up one of the most fun traditions of the paraphernalia: the bachelor party. The politician’s friends had organized a express trip to Marrakech but, finally, they had to cancel it.
I was organizing everything Fernando Lopez Miras, the president of the Region of Murcia. A ‘boys’ trip to Marrakech, one of the most beautiful and touristic cities in Morocco, which also has, starting this Wednesday, a direct airline from Murcia airport (two direct weekly flights, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, with Ryanair). “In the end, due to the current political situation, they were not able to choose a weekend”said Leticia Requejo in TardeAR. Of course, the friends have promised the mayor that they will take that trip after their wedding.
The bride, much more organized, celebrated her bachelorette party two months ago. Teresa Urquijo traveled to Milan with her friends and she did not lack anything: Spanish flags in her suitcase and cowboy hats with the label ‘Bride’ that marked her as the protagonist of the party. They stayed in one of Enrique Sarasola Jr.’s luxury boutique hotels and toured the city before partying at some of the area’s best-known venues: from the N’Ombra de Vin wine bar to the Japanese restaurant Ronin. and the Apophis Club, one of the fashionable nightclubs.
The wedding of the year
The celebration that will take place this Saturday, April 6 at the church of San Francisco de Borjalocated in Serrano, the same one where on February 6, 1966 the parents of the Madrid mayor, Rafael Martínez-Almeida and Ángela de Navasqués said ‘yes, I want’ to each other. After the religious service, the wedding banquet will begin in the El Canto de la Cruz farm, located in Colmenar Viejo (Madrid). The property belongs to the bride’s maternal grandparents, Teresa de Borbón-Dos Sicilias and Íñigo Moreno de Arteaga, Marquises of Laserna. The councilor’s fiancee, a graduate of Icade and an analyst at Merlin Properties, spends a lot of time on that farm, where she enjoys another of her great passions (apart from her future husband), horse riding, since her grandmother raises thoroughbred horses there with her Flor de Lis Stud Farm.
Among the more than 500 guests, the emeritus Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía stand out, who have confirmed their attendance, as well as their daughters, the Infantas Elena and Cristina. The senior staff of the PP is also expected with Díaz Ayuso at the head (Feijóo will only attend church) and a good part of the Spanish aristocracy, such as the Duchess of Montoro, Eugenia Martínez de Irujo.