Manu García renews for Alavés until 2021

Last summer it was published that Manu García would automatically renew if he played a minimum of 25 games this season. According to the data that was handled then, he was required to appear for 45 minutes per crash to compute that calculation.

In a public appearance, the Vitorian midfielder assured that these data were not exact. Who else who least questioned the issue of the 25 games but, in fact, it was. What was not rigorous was saying the half game. Just jumping onto the field was enough.

So last Friday, against Valencia and when he played the last minutes due to Fejsa's injury, the circle was closed. 25 games in 27 days, 20 as a starter and 5 as a substitute but jumping onto the pitch. Therefore, renewal.

One of the captain's dreams was arrive with the blue albiazul to 2021, the entity's centenary year. And that circumstance has already occurred for what Manu García will continue to be captain, except for unexpected decisions, in the next season.