Low audiences get on Jorge Javier’s nerves, who attacks Carmen Borrego

In the polygraph Bethlehem Esteban y Kiko Matamoros in the Deluxe This Friday, a question also slipped in about Jorge Javier Vazquez. “Do you think she has come home changed from her vacation, but for the worse?” Conchita’s machine questioned. “Yes,” she answered bluntly from Paracuellos. What she did not expect was the reply from the man from Badalona.

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“It is that you have come very fast,” clarified Jesulin’s ex before the presenter’s frown. “I have come very fast, but it is that, and do not bother about what I am going to say, but at times this program seems like a funeral home,” criticized Jorge.

“Either you give it extra energy, or it really infects you how crushed you are at times,” he lamented very seriously. The faces of all the collaborators of the program were a poem but Vázquez followed his speech.

“I end up exhausted, really. On Thursday I fell asleep, but I’ve noticed that you have to push the car a lot. But a lot, because there are collaborators who don’t speak directly. And then, either you speed up and try to spread the rhythm, or you let yourself go with the flow. And I don’t want to let myself go with the flow. I want this program to continue and that we can all continue working,” he assured.

Far from calming the waters, Jorge Javier continued to stir them up: “If this is difficult for me to be accelerated and at higher revolutions, I will lower them. But of course I, as a professional, understand that you have to put the fifth every day and it is not getting The worst that can happen is to get carried away by laziness. And the shrimp that falls asleep is carried away by the current,” he warned them.

At that time, many of the collaborators asked him to give names and the presenter was not daunted: “The other day Carmen Borrego he didn’t speak for an hour and a half. And this is a program that has to be alive and you have to be continuously bare-chested and wet, even if the subject does not go with you, “she sentenced.
