In the dense and convoluted waters of the television show, where each word and each gesture becomes a double -edged sword, we rarely attend the miracle of a sincere truce. Not surprisingly, the rivalry between El Hormiguero y Resistance, That every night the attention of the spectators is disputed, and the supremacy of ingenuity and irony, seemed a duel to prolong until the end of time.
But in a dark era of irreconcilable divisions, an unexpected mediator arises, a modern goldsmith willing to descend to the underworld of television egos to seek the light of concord. And that mediator is none other than Alejandro Sanz. The principle of this Rocambolesca plot, worthy of a serial of magical realism, took place last Thursday, January 23, when Alejandro Sanz, visiting El Hormiguero To promote his latest musical work, he decided that his mission on the set transcended the purely promotional. What seemed to be a conversation about romantic chords and letters soon resulted in a fraternal inquisition that took Pablo Motos offsembled. “And why don’t we talk about your disagreement with David? What’s wrong with him?” Sanz inquired, with that trovator air that does not support replica. Before the question, loaded with a sweetness as sharp as a stiletto, Antena 3 presenter could only confess, perhaps for the first time, that this irony duel had come too far.
But the singer -songwriter was not limited to the open wounds. No; Faithful to his vocation as Tejedor de Tanzo, Sanz proposed the unthinkable: mediating between both contestants. His idea, bright and something naive as a hymn of reconciliation, was that motorcycles wrote a peace note destined for Broncano. For greater solemnity, Sanz offered as an emissary of such a unique letter. As if it were an epistle sent between Feudal Kings, the message read: “Dear David. Pelillos to the sea. I wish you the best. I hope we see each other soon. I love you, you Pablo. And Ricardo already Grison too.” Thus, with this almost childish simplicity, it was tried to settled years of soterred tensions and cross sarcasm.

Alejandro, turned into a modern Hermes of media diplomacy, was responsible for personally delivering the letter on the set of resistance, where Broncano, surrounded by his usual cohort of irreverent acolytes, received it with a mixture of surprise and mocking humor. But Sanz, master of symbolism, did not appear empty: in his background he wore two customized ants – with the sowers of motorcycles and broncano, respectively – united by a heart -shaped stuffed animal. A whole exercise of emotional crafts, worthy of a troubadour that does not leave loose ends.
The master of resistance ceremonies, after reading the letter, soon propose a solution that, in his spit of occurrences, was as direct as it is effective: “I think this could be solved by going to guest to El Hormiguero or coming here”. Sanz, who does not leave a battle without further, took his phone and recorded a voice message addressed to Pablo Motos. “I am here with David,” he said, with the naturalness of those who join extremes of a bridge that others had decided to demolish. “I have given your note, the ants and even some boxing gloves in case you want to solve it to a clean punch. David wants to talk to you.”
Broncano took the phone to go to the host of El Hormiguero with a half -way tone between the sneer and the affection: “Pablo, what a machine, shark? I thank you for the gesture, although it was not necessary to write the words that dictated you Alejandro. Thus, with that mixture of humor and tenderness that characterizes Broncano, the wounds seemed to close a little more.

The role of Alejandro Sanz as the architect of La Paz is fascinating. In such a prone country to confrontation and polarization, where even entertainment seems contaminated by divisions, Sanz stands as a modern paladin of reconciliation. His efforts to unite motorcycles and broncano transcend the anecdotal; In his crusade for ending the dispute, Sanz becomes a symbol of something that is missing in our times: the ability to build bridges.
Broncano, aware of this, praised the singer’s efforts. “You have been wanting to mediate in this”, He recognized him, with unusual sincerity in him. “Many colleagues fueled the fire, but you insisted that the three to speak.” And it is that Sanz, with his conciliatory mood and his willingness to unite what seemed irrevocably broken, has shown that, even in the rough television world, there is still room for hope. The question that remains in the air, while the spectators aware of the outcome of this plot, is if Motos and Broncano will finally shake their hand in public. The idea of an encounter between them in one of its programs would not only end rivalry, but would be a gesture of union at a time when the country, as Sanz said, “cannot with more division.”

It is in these details, in these little battles for Concordia, where the true art of living resides. Alejandro Sanz, aware of this, has managed to convert a media confrontation in an opportunity to teach a lesson of humanity. And although custom ants and stuffed animals may seem mere accessories of this comedy, the truth is that they symbolize something much deeper: the possibility of reconciling with our adversaries, of looking at the other not as a rival, but as a partner in the ardu Crossing of life.