Mercedes Martín He planned to devote himself to scientific research, but television crossed him ahead eleven years ago and, since then, he is one of Antena 3 time presenters. Before embarking on an oceanographic ship to start an expedition, he decided to make a casting in Antena 3 without knowing very well for what it was. “And until today”he tells us. “I arrived by chance and I don’t regret anything. “
Mercedes Martín tanned working at the early morning and now presents the time at 15.00, under the orders of Roberto Brasero, Your boss and a reference. “Enjoy TV a lot and transmit it to all”. And that also demonstrates it in his new facet as a contestant of The challenge.
She, at least for the moment, has not made the leap to entertainment – “I don’t rule it out,” he says – and his immediate plan is a trip to Antarctica that he shares with 100 scientific women from around the world. Martín has been one of the seven Spanish – the only meteorologist – selected by Homeward Bound, an international female leadership program.
What is the trip to Antarctica?
It is a project that is born with the objective of creating an academic network of women in the world of engineering, mathematics or medicine from different countries. We go more than 100, of 22 nationalities, to find synergies and come to occupy in the future positions of female leadership.
As a meteorologist, going to Antarctica in a context of climate change, I suppose it has special interest …
Antarctica is like a thermometer, the great refrigerator of the planet. Seeing in situ the recoil of glaciers and changes in biodiversity will allow me to have a greater impact of this urgency, because we have to act yes or yes to remedy this type of situations.
Don’t you think that climate change is talking a lot – it’s almost a wildculture – and we act little?
Sometimes the information is transmitted lightly. Climate change is a fact, that is unquestionable. Now what we are trying to find out is the contribution of the human being to this climate change. The communication of climate change is polarized and sometimes misinformation makes us think opposite things. You always have to remember that science is based on data, not on opinion.
Are you going to tell your experience in Antarctica in Antena 3?
Of course. It is my duty. I go to Antarctica to open a window and explain to the spectators what is happening.
The years go by and the presenter of time is a figure that has not lost validity on television.
For me it is an honor and responsibility to present time. It is a job that entails being constantly updated and informed. We have very faithful spectators that demand truthful and quality information. In addition, weathering helps us prevent impacts such as those we have seen lately.
And to prevent other everyday impacts, such as leaving home and taking the umbrella …
Of course. If after giving time, the Lord or the lady who sees me, does not know if he has to warm or not, for me it is a failure. It is a position that I have with great pride after 11 years because it allows me to move my passion to the spectators. We are the only scientists who have this window.
Do you fall bronchs from a neighbor or friend when prediction failures?
Broocas do not usually fall, but messages from friends come to me that ask me about the time they are going to do in May, because they have the communion of their son or a bachelorette party. And it is impossible to know five months before. But that is what the girl of time has to be and it is something that I carry with great pride.
But it has to be a nightmare to brace to messages …
(Laughs) I’m laughing, but it’s so. People stop you and think that at that time you know the time they will do in Pueblo de Ávila in five days.
It was your goal to present time? How did you get to Antena 3?
Not at all. I never thought to take time on television, I arrived by chance. My illusion was always the investigation. I studied sea sciences and made a master’s degree in meteorology. A teacher learned that Antena 3 was making a casting and told me to introduce me to work a few months, before embarking on an oceanographic ship to do some studies. I did the casting, they called me and to this day. I do not regret because TV gives you many opportunities.
You present the time of 15.00, but you spent several years in the news of 6 in the morning. Better now that when you lived at night?
I’m happy. It has been a before and after, because it was 8 and a half years in which your life takes a turn. I keep very good memories of that time and those early risers, but now I can reconcile my life better.
Would you dare to make the leap to entertainment?
I think I still have a lot to contribute in my field. I see myself more doing a travel program, scientific dissemination or a documentary, but I don’t rule out anything.
How are you seeing Roberto Brasero, the chief of Meteorology, in the challenge?
He is like that, it is fun and has tremendous energy and we are very happy that he is also enjoying the space of El Tiempo.
Does Showman have a soul?
It has a very television profile, enjoy TV and it shows. That transmits it and makes us enjoy everyone.