February 4, World Cancer Day. For this reason, Queen Letizia, as an honorary president of the Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC), has approached the central trace space, in Madrid, where the presentation of the commemorative act has taken place to raise awareness and disseminate the importance of Healthy habits to this disease. The data is alarming: it is estimated that, in the world, one in two men and one in three women will suffer from cancer throughout their lives. He has accompanied Queen Mónica García, Minister of Health.
Letizia has opened the act in which the program has been presented More cancer data. Without reading, in a serene and committed voice, the queen has taken a look at the audience to challenge the representatives and responsible for public health, medical and scientific societies. “We are going to talk about cancer,” he started. A complete forum, of “Integral Vision”: “You have the criteria, credibility and authority in what this disease means.” And he has repeated the most sound phrase: “One in two men and one in three women we will suffer from cancer throughout our lives, so we are all interested in the incidence decreases.” More cancer data is “a knowledge tool to strengthen health strategies and equity, regardless of where he was born or his socioeconomic situation,” said Felipe VI’s wife.
Before listening to “to the competent voices”, the queen has said: “The prevention, which is my favorite word (…) prevention with respect to tobacco and those products … electronic cigarettes, vapers that the health authorities associate with different pathologies.

Letizia studies the millimeter each working meeting. On this occasion, he has selected a green dress to make visible the corporate color of the AECC and its work. It is a vaporous dandar design, enthallated at the waist, with a perkins neck and gout neckline.
Only a few days ago, on January 30, the Queen met with rebukers of the Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association against Cancer, which sent her five lines of work for this 2025: the prevention of tobacco consumption among the Young people, advance in humanization in oncological patient care and promote socio-labor measures and research.