Olivia Munn She suffers from breast cancer in both breasts. This is what she herself announced on her social networks: “I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I hope that by sharing this it will help others find comfort, inspiration and support in their own journey”, he wrote alongside an image in which he rests on a hospital bed. The actress, 43, was radiant last weekend at the Oscars, so her confession fell like a cold shower on her followers.
The one who was girlfriend of Alex Gonzalez He said that he underwent genetic tests a year ago where they tested up to 90 different cancer genes. The result was reassuring: Negative for everyone. In addition, routine and other conventional mammograms were performed.
Two months after undergoing these tests, Olivia, who became a mother two years ago with comedian John Mulaney, was diagnosed with breast cancer in both breasts. The protagonist of X Men She has undergone four surgeries in the last ten months: “I have learned more about cancer and hormones than I ever imagined.” To everyone’s surprise, and even herself, Munn “only” cried twice during this complex process: “I guess I didn’t feel like there was time to cry,” has commented.

The actress has justified her silence because “I needed to catch my breath and get through some of the hardest parts before sharing it”. Munn is facing a very aggressive cancer and has emphasized the importance of preventive intervention: “Dr. Aliabadi analyzed factors such as my age, my family history of breast cancer and the fact that I had my first child after the 30. He found that my risk of getting cancer was 37%. Because of that percentage, I was sent for an MRI, which led to an ultrasound, which then led to a biopsy. The biopsy showed she had luminal B cancer in both breasts. “Luminal B is an aggressive, fast-moving cancer.”
Despite the tough battle she is fighting, Munn said she feels “very lucky” to have managed to detect the disease “with enough time for me to have options”: “I want the same for any woman who has to face this one day. Ask your doctor to calculate your breast cancer risk assessment score”Has expressed.

Finally, she wanted to thank the love and efforts of her husband, John Mulaney, who has been her greatest support in the fight against her illness: “I am very grateful with John for the nights he spent researching what each operation and medication meant and what side effects and recovery I could expect. For being there before I went into each surgery and being there when I woke up, always placing framed photos of our little Malcom so that it would be the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes.”